A hacker confiscated a German-owned Mercedes-Benz Instagram account, with 6.7 million followers. The hacker who took the account; changed her profile picture, envelope.
Like on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media platformsIn addition to people’s daily use, companies also use it for corporate purposes. Many companies can take many steps on their social media accounts, from promoting their new products to public relations activities.
Naturally, multinational corporate companies also use such platforms, and those companies have millions of followers. These companies, which have millions of followers, are perhaps the ones that fear them the most on social networks. hacker attacks.
The Instagram account of Mercedes-Benz Germany hacked:
Giant German-based automaker Mercedes BenzThe S Instagram account (@mercedesbenz_de), which has 6.7 million followers and opened in Germany, was hacked by a hacker. The hacker who took over the account said his profile name “HACKED BY catz (hacked by catz) ” While changing the form, he also took the information in the section on.
As you can see in the image above, the hacker who changed the profile picture of the Mercedes-Benz Germany Instagram account, “Donation for the hungry!” The hacker who still has the account at the time of writing the news wrote, Bitcoin He left the address.
~ Faces and username are censored because the people who share the stories have nothing to do with the situation.
The only incident of the hacker was not taking the account, changing his profile picture and about it; hacker from mercedes-benz account Hfrom the complaints side Also shared. The hacker shares the account of an Instagram user “All of you follow” said. The hacker also shares a photo from a different user. “Go on. I love it” expressions used
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Hacker Mercedes BenzAfter taking over the account, he also started following some users on Instagram; Every minute he keeps following new accounts.
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