Oda TV featured Eyüp Fatih Şağban, who was arrested for child sexual abuse, as the leader of the sect!



TV room; In the news item titled “Many pines are felled, you have now completed your mission. Raised a flag to the leader of the Erdogan sect” published on April 27, 2016, it features Fatih Şağban as the leader of the sect.

“Fatih Nurullah Efendi, the leader of the Uşşaki sect”, who hit the agenda with the images of the ‘hand kiss seal’ at Atatürk airport some time ago, stated that President Tayyip Erdogan has now completed his mission and said, “Tayyip Bey should never force the presidential system.”

Saying that the administration Erdogan wanted would be ‘constitutionalism’, ‘Fatih Nurullah Efendi’ said: “Furthermore, we hand over this government to Ahmet Davutoğlu in spirituality. Tayyip Bey’s mission has been completed. Tayyip Bey has done his duty. Tayyip Bey acts with feelings like supporting them in some way and moving them forward. ” but here many pines fall ”, he said.

Speaking on Nurani TV, the sect’s media organ, the Uşşaki sect leader also stated that while the 1980 constitution was being prepared, Mehmet Kırkıncı, one of the leading names in the Nur community who lost his life some time ago, He had a dream and then left a mark on Kenan Evren and put the law of the magnet hatip in the constitution. claimed he had added it. “

The prominent statements of the Usşaki leader are as follows:
“No one should touch the constitution with the meaning. No, it was a presidential system, I don’t know what it was, that they stagnated like that.
Tayyip Bey shouldn’t force the presidential system or anything. We already have a presidential system in Turkey at this time. An administration the way he wants it becomes constitutionalism. Then Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear. Some things are not good to touch too much. Furthermore, we hand over this government to Ahmet Davutoğlu in spirituality. Tayyip Bey’s mission has been completed. You have done your duty. Mr. Tayyip acts with feelings like supporting them and moving them forward, but here many pines are collapsing. “
