Now we are selecting patients in intensive care


The Chairman of the Central Council of the Turkish Medical Association, Prof. Dr. Sinan Adıyaman drew attention to the occupation in intensive care units due to the corona virus outbreak. Adiyaman in Turkey, indicating that the total number of patients in Italy now, “Diyarbakir, some doctors in hospitals are forced to decide who they are going to invest in intensive care, they are forced to make a decision,” he said.

According to the news report T24’ten Review Yelin, Turkey and the continued increase in the number of serious active Covidien-19 cases, the President of the Central Council of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), Prof. Dr. Sinan Adiyaman, warning the intensive maintenance occupation, “There is no place in hospitals, many hospitals in full intensive care. Turkey, passed Italy in the total number of patients. Diyarbakir doctors in some hospitals are forced to decide whether to deposit or deposit some care intensive, “he said.

Adiyaman, 41 percent of intensive care in Turkey is in the hands of the private sector and then start to pay intensive care SSI fees, said these hospitals can not Covidien-admission of 19 patients.

Adiyaman, “The Minister of Health said that the intensive care occupancy rate was 65.5 percent. If we ignore private hospitals with this calculation, we can say that all intensive care beds are full. Even in a big city like Ankara , information has come in that patients who should be in the intensive care bed are intubated on the stretcher. ” I speak.

Influence the course of the increase of the Covidien-19 T24 epidemic evaluating Adiyaman in Turkey, the Ministry of Health announced that the daily data with new cases and deaths, said that if information from their field overlaps. Adiyaman, compared with the Ministry of Health, the number of active patients seroprevalence study calculated the results obtained, this number in Turkey has stated that more than 200 thousand. Adiyaman, “We can easily multiply the announced number by at least 10. Even the Ministry’s investigation reveals that the shared daily figures do not reflect the truth.” said.

Emphasizing that measures should be taken to curb social mobility and strict control should be carried out, Adıyaman said. “The epidemic has been left alone. The Minister of Health has tweeted and left the fight against the epidemic in the hands of individuals. We know that the epidemic strategy determined by the government has not been successful. The main responsibility in the fight against the epidemic is the public. ” get up ” expressed his opinion.

The President of the Central Council of TTB, Prof. The highlights of Adıyaman’s statements are as follows:

We have data from all the provinces, our managing friends are working in the field. Looking at the latest data, there is a discrepancy between the data announced by the Ministry of Health and what happened in the field and what came to us. Not only the information sent to TTB, but also the statements made by Ankara, Konya, the provincial directors of health, the mayor of Adıyaman, the governors of Malatya, Erzurum and Rize do not match the data of the Ministry of Health. Looking at the data we received, there were 601 cases in Diyarbakır one day last week. About 300 cases came from Çankaya and an average of 400 from İzmir. These already correspond to the announced number.


Compared with the Ministry of Health 150 thousand people seroprevalence studies conducted with the number of active patients in the calculation of the results obtained, Turkey means that the number of active cases in more than 200 thousand. We can easily multiply what is explained by 10, or even by 12, 13. Even this research reveals that the announced daily figures do not reflect the truth.


The daily number of cases in Ankara does not fall below a thousand, Urfa, Diyarbakır, Batman about 600 cases. There are explosions in Konya, Sakarya, Kocaeli and Manisa, especially in the areas where the factories are located.

Intensive care units no longer eliminate the number of patients. There was a fight with the epidemic, but in our opinion, there is a failure in this fight. Members of the Scientific Committee also clearly say that the virus is spreading uncontrollably.


There is a disconnect between the Ministry of Health and the public. This data is not even released to the doctors who work at that hospital and perform the test. It meets in a center and goes to the Ministry of Health. We called it “transparency” from the beginning. Why this secret in an environment called ‘there is transparency’? Why is there a confidentiality agreement with this contracted laboratory? All data must be disclosed in a transparent way to involve society in the fight against the pandemic. According to the information that comes to us from all over Turkey, much more than the number of deaths in the cases described.

Let me share an example; The Covid-19 patient dies during treatment, but the last PCR test is not positive. This death is not written in deaths from Covid-19. There is only one thing that comes to mind. The government is trying to underestimate the number of patients who died from the Covid Health Ministry, a success story is being written here, but there is a failure.


Turkey surpassed Italy in the total number of patients. In some hospitals in Diyarbakır, doctors have to decide who to take to intensive care, they have to choose. We believe that it should be transparent and should be properly disclosed to the public.

Isn’t there a virus except in cities where weddings are forbidden? It is clear that the coronavirus is transmitted more frequently at events such as weddings, condolences and mass prayers. They weren’t supposed to let go of weddings, social mobility was completely open, it had to be stopped.


On May 11, shopping centers and hairdressers were opened, shopping centers were opened, but parks were closed, where the spread of the epidemic would be much less. There was a quick opening on June 1, it was definitely a mistake. It is obvious that decisions are made with economic and political criteria. Public health was not considered.

As TTB, we said that the opening of closed areas in June should not be quick, they should be opened with certain criteria and should be strictly supervised. But none of this happened. The halay is done at weddings, no one supervises. If it can’t be controlled, weddings, condolences, cafes, entertainment venues shouldn’t be free.

A few days after the inauguration, we said: ‘We are hopeless, but if this epidemic gains momentum, it will be the fault of the citizens’, and this is what is happening now. The Minister of Health makes a statement on Twitter and attributes the responsibility of the fight against the pandemic to the fact that citizens do not pay attention to their individual measures. This is not an acceptable method.


A distance of at least 2 meters must be maintained for schools to open. The incidence of the disease should decrease. The number of new cases should fall below 1 in 100,000, and the positive rate in the total number of tests should fall below 7 percent. As TTB, we believe that schools must definitely be opened, but for that the epidemic must be under control and this must be proven.


There is no room in hospitals, many hospitals are full of intensive care. 41 percent of Turkey’s intensive care is in the hands of the private sector. Currently, patients cannot be hospitalized in the intensive care units of private hospitals as they are not covered by SSI. The Health Minister said the intensive care occupancy rate was 65.5 percent. With this calculation, if we ignore the private sector intensive care beds, we can say that all intensive care units are full.

People are now on vacation, returning to metropolitan cities, and then we fear the Big Bang will happen. When the flu epidemic begins in September and October, we may not be able to participate.

Steps can be taken to curb social mobility, travel between cities may be restricted, crowds should not gather at certain times. It is necessary to act in accordance with what the science of epidemiology says. Consequently, it must be done in the field of fighting the epidemic in Turkey, it is done in the hospital. This is one of the most important reasons for failure in the fight against the epidemic.


Currently, our health system is severely affected and our capacity has become insufficient. Even from a big city like Ankara, we received information that patients who should be in intensive care bed were intubated on a stretcher. In cities like Diyarbakır, Mardin and Batman, there is no room in intensive care units and they call us for help. A patient from the Ankara University School of Medicine waited two days before being able to go to intensive care. Our greatest fear is that the health system will stop responding.

A total of 66 health workers died, 32 of whom were doctors. These are the data that we have obtained thanks to our own efforts. In April, the Ministry of Health, for the first and last time, published the number of infected health workers, without giving details. However, no new statement was made. Healthcare professionals feel very tired, exhausted and worthless.


Our friends, who have been in the field for months in difficult conditions, have been quickly eliminated and the number of patients admitted to the hospital has increased, since citizens trust it and ignore the measures to be taken saying ‘there is no serious situation ‘. This created a state of hopelessness in health workers. The more patients a healthcare professional sees, the more likely they are to become infected. Although masks and equipment are used, the number of infected health workers has increased dramatically.

Healthcare workers who contract Covid-19 are not yet considered an occupational disease. At the very least, arrangements should be made to improve the rights of families affected by this disease or after their death. For this, Parliament should approve this law as soon as possible, we have made a bill, but the Ministry of Health is not working on this issue ”.
