New measures against the crown in the universities – Sözcü newspaper


Last month a cooperation protocol was signed between YÖK and TSE to determine the general standards that include measures for the development of healthy and clean environments on the campuses of higher education institutions in the field of fighting the Covid epidemic- 19 and communicable diseases.

The Minister of Industry and Technology, Mustafa Varank, and the President of the Council of Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Within the scope of this protocol signed by MA Yekta Saraç, the “Guide for the development of healthy and clean environments in higher education institutions in the context of the global epidemic ”in cooperation with YÖK and TSE.

In the article he wrote in the presentation section of the guide, the president of YÖK Saraç stated that the guide was prepared within the scope of the cooperation protocol signed between YÖK and the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

The guide, which is the first of the studies to be carried out with EET, aims to contribute to the development of healthy and clean environments in higher education institutions, contribute to the development of the infrastructure necessary for the implementation and monitoring of the measures of infection control and determine general standards in the fight against the global Covid-19 epidemic and communicable diseases. Explaining what was prepared, Saraç said: “It is important that universities provide safe campus environments so that they can continue their education and training, research and community service activities during the epidemic. The guide has been developed as a reference resource in this context. However, given that the epidemic is a dynamic process, the decisions of the Higher Education Council and related ministries, institutions and organizations and local authorities must also be closely followed. “He used the expressions.

The guide, prepared in collaboration with YÖK-TSE, included measures to protect academic-administrative staff and students, hygiene and cleaning practices, and infection control measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic in universities, especially in Covid-19.

In the guide, protection measures to prevent the spread of infection in educational areas and work environments, personal protective equipment, the formation of groups of students considering the physical characteristics of the spaces, and the general principles for the use of the spaces social.

Authority on epidemic requests in the relevant university councils.

According to the guide, in the education and training processes, the authority will be in the competent boards of the universities in the applications that are made for the different programs according to the regional and local course of the epidemic. In the guide, which states that during the epidemic, the decisions of local authorities, as well as relevant institutions and organizations of the state must be followed and changes in practices must be made accordingly, “universities must be able to make general plans through coronavirus commissions and other relevant boards and commissions, as well as preparing alternative plans and implementing them when necessary. . In this context, in addition to the theoretical and practical training that can be carried out in person, attention must be paid to personal protection measures in professional practices and practices in the workplace ”.


In the guide, it is emphasized that in the event of a positive case on university campuses, “contacts” and “close contacts” must be identified and the relevant health units informed. Information on immediate isolation from close contacts was included.


Make sure everyone in closed areas wears masks continuously. If it is necessary to be in close proximity in joint activities, a face shield should also be used in addition to the mask. In common areas, air conditioners or fans should not be used as much as possible, and rooms should be ventilated frequently.


Masks must be worn on public transportation or in service vehicles used to get to and from campus, and hand hygiene must be provided when getting on and off vehicles. Commonly used instruments such as microscopes, computers and T-rulers should be cleaned with disinfectants that are effective against enveloped viruses, compatible with materials, and kept clean immediately after use. Posters should be prepared and posted in appropriate locations for students and all staff to remind them to disinfect commonly used devices such as computers, laboratory devices, telephones, and desks before and after use.


Common areas such as classrooms, libraries, laboratories, dining rooms, sports facilities on campus should be cleaned periodically.

The number of people in shared spaces should be reduced. Meetings and social activities should be held outdoors or online as much as possible, depending on the regional and local course of the epidemic.

In classrooms, it is necessary to determine the capacity of classrooms and classrooms with 1 person per 4 square meters, and maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between people in the seating arrangement.

At the entrance to the classroom, visual materials containing information indicating the maximum capacity of students in that classroom should be included, and the seating arrangement and distance should be pre-established. Posters and posters of protection and precautions. Informational materials should be included in appropriate places.

In the guide, it will also be more appropriate to apply the physical distance regulation of at least 1.5-2 meters in cases where students have activities such as talking loudly and singing, depending on the nature of the lesson. Large classrooms should be preferred over small classrooms and classrooms for noisy activities such as singing, choral work, drama rehearsals, due to droplet formation. (İHA)
