The Minister of National Education, Ziya Seluk, affirmed that the distribution of around 60 thousand tablets was carried out according to the criteria determined so far.
Seluk, in his acquittal following his visit to the lper ehit mit Kl residential district school, said that during the epidemic period, students and teachers implemented certain practices with life in mind.
Affirming that they expressed questions such as what time the schools will take, the measures to be taken, what should be done in distance education, with scenarios, Seluk said that they now apply.
Seluk, emphasizing that Turkey is one of the 3-4 countries in the world that can provide educational services during the period of the epidemic by establishing 3 television channels, continued with:
In addition to this, we have the ability to give 2 million live lessons on the EBA infrastructure, which has really accelerated. As you know, this week became the first in the world among all educational sites in the world. It was third place two weeks ago, now it is in first place in the world. We are very happy. The extensive use of this platform by our teachers, students and parents makes us happy. “
Recalling that we have been gradually educated to the face, Seluk said: “We have clarified our decision on grades 5 and 9, today we will share the technical details of this.” He dwelling.
Seluk, noting that there is a large study on this topic, drew attention to the fact that they do not consider distance education only as a temporary measure of the epidemic period.
Describing that they are together with students and teachers in Giresun today, Seluk said:
“Until now, the distribution of around 60 thousand tablets has been done in line with the determined criteria. We are running an initiative to make tablets for our children as part of the purchase we have made with the SDIF, which has achieved the greatest institutional success in Turkey. We are the first to deliver it to the SDIF, where it is the institution’s biggest ban, by distributing it to our children in our Residential District School. We will continue to have 500 thousand tablets gradually taking into account the stages of the procurement process. We don’t have any problems here either. “
Ziya Seluk, emphasizing that they do not want missing children and not starting education behind, we discussed the fairness of opportunities in education in First Education 2023 Vision. We do not care. “found the evaluation.
Seluk thanked SDIF and the efforts to organize the program in Giresun due to the bankruptcy, and said that this process will continue at an accelerated pace from now on.
Seluk responded to a journalist’s question about fifth and ninth grade details about face-to-face education with:
“As you know, every time a new class is taken, the technical details of it are clarified, which school will have one hour of daily lessons on this subject, which will remain 2 days again, there will be lessons between 6 and 7 hours, but the technical details of this will be. The purchases we made in the field on this issue, the purchases we made with our teachers and provincial directors were much easier for us to determine these technical details, we will share this information with you starting today. “
Another journalist “Is there a break in November at the same time?” To the question: “We first consider the situation, and then we remember, depending on the course of the epidemic, we have missed a never-ending scenario about whether the intermediate holidays will be used for education or whether there will be education on weekends. Today, This course is also in the next few weeks. Considering how it goes, we will share clear information on whether the education will take place on a mid-term holiday or if it will take place on a Saturday during the weekend, but as such, we currently don’t have one. ” he answered.