Mutation planning or mutant humans!


The corona virus panic couldn’t scare the world enough “mutation panic”what was needed!

No scientific data was presented on the mutated virus, which is said to spread 70 percent faster in the UK.

According to Wikipedya data “mutation” or “change”are permanent changes that occur in the DNA or RNA sequence of the genome of a living being. If it is an organism with a mutation “mutant” Is named.

People, as a result of a mutation. “mutant” its status has been used a lot in science fiction movies. Many movies are about wars between mutant and non-mutant people.


Italian virologists known for their contributions to vaccine studies, “Vaccination against constantly mutating viruses is useless” A worldwide campaign was launched to refute this scientific view. Those who continue this campaign, taking advantage of the atmosphere of panic created by the news of the new mutation, are trying to spread that vaccines will not be affected by the mutation.

Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Ankara University School of Medicine. Dr. Ismail balik, Based on official statements in the UK “As in the case of the flu, the occurrence of large and frequent mutations that will inactivate the coronavirus vaccine is not expected.” He also stressed that the mutation in viruses has a very important disadvantage in the development of vaccines and drugs.

Fish “With the latest mutation detected in England, it was determined that the infectious power of the virus increased by 70 percent, but it was announced that this mutation would have no effect on the vaccine. No mutation has been found to render Kovid vaccines ineffective until now”. supported statements made in the UK.

Only Prof. Fish, “In the case of corona viruses, as in bats, they mutate when the natural environments of living beings, such as the forests where they live, begin to disappear, or when they are under pressure from drugs or vaccines that will destroy them. Thus, viruses can retain and survive in the cells of a new living species or antibodies created by the vaccine or gain the ability to inactivate a drug. “ He did not forget to say it.

The German press too “Scientists believe that the vaccines produced will also be effective in the mutated strain of the corona virus that emerged in England.” highlights views like!

Voice of Germany, “In other viral diseases like influenza, vaccines need to be updated to match the types of viruses that are in constant circulation. It is relatively easier to do this with newer types of mRNA vaccines. These vaccines contain genetic information that refers to the construction guide of a viral protein, not complete viruses, allows rapid adaptation to a new type of virus. He says.

This news, “You have to have genetic vaccines” impose your opinion!


If the mutation primarily means DNA and RNA alteration or damage, and if the vaccines cause RNA changes as explained, the people who have been vaccinated “mutant” It is not like this?

DNA creates the code or alphabet of life through the genes of its structure.

If there is a really fast-spreading mutation, does it happen spontaneously, or was the mutation in the virus that can penetrate the genetic makeup created by humans by altering its genetic makeup, just like in the production of RNA vaccines?

Vaccine makers say they are playing with the genetic makeup of the virus.

What they explained on the cover of Time magazine “Great reboot”Are they doing it to realize it, to begin to decline capitalism from scratch?

Or is the main objective to reach the DNA and RNA codes of each human being through vaccines using the panic of viruses and mutation?
