Muhammed Emin Saraç is expelled on his last trip –


A 92-year-old man who lost his life in hospital while being treated by Turkey’s leading hadeeth, the tafsir, and Saddler’s hadith scholar Muhammad Amin, was expelled on the last trip.

For Mohammed Emin Saraç, who taught tafsir, hadith and fiqh at the Fatih mosque for 65 years and raised hundreds of students from both overseas and abroad, halality was welcomed at his home in the Fatih Atikali district. Saraç’s funeral was carried to the Fatih Mosque on the shoulders of his relatives, students and loved ones after reading the Quran and praying.

The sons of Saraç, president of YÖK Prof. Dr. While Yekta Saraç and businessman Fatih Saraç accepted their condolences here, their students read the Quran in the courtyard of the mosque. AK Party deputies Ravza Kavakçı Kan and Bekir Bozdağ approached the coffin before praying and praying.

Muhammed Emin Saraç was expelled on his last trip

At the funeral prayer led by Emin Saraç’s dear Imam Hatip Mustafa Demirkan, Saraç’s relatives, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Mustafa Şentop, Vice President Fuat Oktay, Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül, the Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu, Former Speaker of Parliament İsmail Kahraman, Vice President of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Celal Adan, Vice President of the AK Party Numan Kurtulmuş, Vice President of the AK Party, MP of the Party Group İYİ Lütfü Türkkan, Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun, Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın, Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya, Former Party Prime Minister AK İzmir, AK Party Vice President Binali Yıldırım, Future Party chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu, former ministers Faruk Çelik, Veysel Eroğlu, Çağatay, the Chairman of AA Kılzdaçı Manager Şenol Kazancı, Provincial Chairman of the AK Party in Istanbul, Bayram Şenocak, some deputies and district mayors and Saraç n students and fans maintained their ranks.

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Muhammed Emin Saraç was expelled on his last trip

President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş prayed for the deceased and asked for halality.

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Korean veteran Mustafa Şevket Tarı also did not leave his 50-year-old friend alone at his funeral. Tari prayed sitting on a chair.


In his speech after the prayer, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that he had known Muhammed Emin Saraç Hodja from his Imam Hatip school years.

Erdogan affirmed that he attended Saraç’s visit from time to time, from that day until the problems he experienced in the last period, Erdogan said: “I have benefited a lot, a lot from him in these visits. I hope that my Lord makes us distressed. “. together under the Liva-ul Hamd banner of her beloved Habib … “he said.

Muhammed Emin Saraç was expelled on his last trip

Photos: Can EROK

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Muhammed Emin Saraç was expelled on his last trip

Erdogan concluded his words as follows:

“As a hadith, our teacher was always a pioneer in all these Islamic sciences, be it the science of tafsir or fiqh, and he always took the initiative at this point. Therefore, I hope that those who teach his rahle-i will continue the the next process with the same understanding, I believe him. Our President of Religious Affairs actually said what he said. I hope he will crush us together. “

Muhammed Emin Saraç was expelled on his last trip

President Erdogan gave a shoulder to the coffin of Mohammed Emin Saraç. Takbir was brought in while carrying Saraç’s body.

The main hadiths, tafsir and fiqh of Turkey from the funerary scholars of Muhammad Amin Saddler, participants in the cemetery are carried on the shoulders of the Fatih Mosque.


Born in 1929 in the city of Tanoba in the Erbaa district of Tokat, Saraç came from a family with a higher education. Müderris Üzeyir Efendi, from his grandfather Nakşibendiye, worked as a teacher at the Discovery Mosque Madrasa in Niksar. Müderris Üzeyir Efendi was one of the few scholars of the time.

Bahaddin Saraç, the older brother of Emin Saraç, who began memorizing the Quran at the age of 6 with his grandfather, and his sisters Osman and Yusuf, and his sisters, were raised as the memory of the Quran.

Emin Saraç studied the responses at Niksar-Merzifon between 1940-1943. In 1943, his family sent him to Istanbul to Ali Haydar Efendi’s shelter.

Ali Haydar Efendi entrusted Muhammed Emin Saraç to Imam Ömer Efendi, head of the Fatih Mosque, as his lodge was under constant observation. Saraç, who began practicing the Qur’an and reading Telhis with Ömer Efendi, went to Üçbaş Madrasah in Kargümrük after staying as a guest for three months at the Fatih Mosque. Emin Saraç, who read the first and second volumes of Buhari-i Şerif by Süleyman Efendi, who resided here and served as president for 65 years, received his first hadith authorization from Süleyman Efendi with a certificate from the line of muhaddis Hacı Ferhad – ı Rizevi.

Emin Saraç remained in Üçbaş Madrasah until 1950. In this process, in addition to Ali Haydar Efendi and the head imam of the Fatih Mosque, Ömer Efendi, Gümülcineli Mustafa Efendi, Muhaddis İbrahim Efendi, Arnavut Hüsrev Efendi, Ali Haydar Efendi, Silistmi Süley (Tunahan) Efendi, in addition to reading, fiqh and procedural lessons. Saraç, Tirmidhi, Bukhari-i Şerif, Merakı’l-Felah, Kuduri-i Şerif, Şerhu’l-Akaid, Şifa-i Şerif, Mir’at, Muslim-i Şerif, Mişkatü’l-Mesabih Read books like Tefsir- i Kadı Beyzavi.


Emin Saraç continued his education by staying in Egypt for 9 years. During this period, Muhammed Zahidü’l Kevseri benefited from Mustafa Sabri Efendi, the last Sheikh of the Ottoman Empire, İhsan Efendi of Yozgat, Muhammed Abdulvehhab Buhayri, Ahmed Fehmi Abu Sunne, Ali Yakup Efendi, Abdulfettah al-Sha’sha.

Muhammed Emin Saraç was one of the translators of Fi-Zılalil-Quran. But he preferred to give more lectures instead of copying. It has grown to more than 2000 lawsuits. Osman Topbaş, Prof. Dr. Cevat Akşit, Prof. Dr. Osman Öztürk, Prof. Dr. Kemal Sandıkçı, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan Arslan, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bulut, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Avcı, Prof. Dr. There are names like İbrahim Hatiboğlu.

Saddler abroad several times on scientific councils representing Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Kuwait, India, continued his scientific contacts with Pakistan and other Islamic countries.

Muhammed Emin Saraç, who taught tafsir, hadith and fiqh lessons at Fatih Mosque for 65 years and raised hundreds of foreign and foreign students, passed away at Bezmialem Vakıf University Hospital, where he was transferred due to age-related health problems.
