Minister Ziya Selçuk addressed the parents


National Education Minister Ziya Selçuk met with the parents of primary school first graders in a live broadcast on her Instagram account. By addressing parents with a broadcast from a school, Selçuk responded to parents’ concerns about functioning during the epidemic period. Selcuk said he was being followed by a great development team since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak in Turkey.


Noting that serious measures have been taken for the cleaning of all schools, Minister Selçuk said that professional secondary schools, public education centers and science and art centers made an important contribution to the production of products such as equipment, devices, masks and cleaning supplies needed during the epidemic period. Noting that more than 50 million masks are produced in professional secondary schools alone, Selçuk said: “Many different tools have been produced, such as cologne, other cleaning materials, respirators. We are comfortable in this regard. Inspections continue in all our schools. More than 3,000 of our inspectors are visiting schools. There are some schedules, there are checklists. We have a control guide to establish hygiene conditions in educational institutions, “he said.


Speaking about face-to-face education that will take place in schools twice a week, Selçuk said: “There are different situations in all of our homes. There are people with chronic illnesses at home. There may be some social situations. That’s why we said: ‘ Parents who want to send their children to school. ‘But we, as the Ministry of National Education, also have to give our other parents a chance. The curriculum is managed and all levels, a separate channel for primary school , a separate channel for secondary school, a separate channel for secondary schools and separate departments for preschools. I emphasize that for us television lectures are sufficient to complete a student’s curriculum in school. Face-to-face education is a support for this. EBA Internet is a support for this. So it’s extra work, “he said.

Selçuk said that the EBA Support Centers were established for students and parents who do not have access to the internet and computers, and that the number of EBA Support Centers established in the last month has exceeded 7 thousand. Selçuk said that this number will increase to 20,000 in a very short time.


Noting that parents have concerns about the literacy process of first grade students, Minister Selçuk said:

“Of course, you are concerned about the literacy of our children. You can say, ‘How will this happen with distance education?’ I am here as Minister of National Education and as Teacher Ziya. And what I see is this difficult time, no just for us. It is a difficult time for everyone. Therefore, approaching such a job at a difficult time, as in any job, includes advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and crises. Make sure that children’s learning to read and write is something that we can easily handle in one way or another. But it becomes a great center of concern. We who deal with educational psychology, psychologists say: “If the child has a difficulty, this it is an opportunity for you to acquire certain skills. So it is a learning opportunity. “If we are talking about a situation in which our children focus on that solidarity with teachers and our parents are more careful in that period, our children will also have the opportunity to experience how their lives will be enriched. experiences and how they will face such problems in difficult times. “
