Minister Varank: Volkswagen loses – business news


Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank first spoke about the decision of Volkswagen, which was preparing to invest in Manisa but then gave up.

Stating that the CEO of the company, Herbert Diess, cited the pandemic in the letter he sent him, Minister Varank said: “This is your official statement to us, but I also know, let’s talk openly. These companies are global companies, but when you look at the boards of directors, the local governments, that is, the states have influence here, there are trade union associations, there are foreign partners. They make investment decisions keeping all of these balances. Of course, we knew that there were those who did not want this job politically. Diess said this in his statements to the press, ”he said.

Varank’s ministers, at Diessen’s request, had met twice with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, stressing that Turkey would explain its investment plans “If it is a global marker here, I need you for political decision making if you think about your Profits”. If this company is public, you are actually misleading your investor. It means that you decide not what is profitable, but according to the political pressures that are imposed on you. It is sad that they have declared this to the press and it is an issue that must be highlighted.

The fact that they treat all investors in Turkey equally attracted Varank, “he gains this term by investing in Turkey. Globally, companies come to meet us. Volkswagen itself loses, not us. Because they confessed that they misled its investors with political, not economic decisions. We are confident in our own car project. Our door is open to our investors. Turkey will be the shining star of the world in production in the coming months. Investing in Turkey will win, “he said.

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Minister Varank received the president of the Association of Economic Reporters (EMD) Turgay Türker and the board members accompanying him. During the meeting, the impact of the pandemic, investments, incentives, Turkey’s car, raw material procurement, production and container with Volkswagen’s decision to give up investing in Turkey was discussed. Minister Varank said in a statement:

“We left behind a very tough year. Even the mutation of a virus under normal conditions can affect a country. We are talking about a disease that has deeply shaken the service industry. In the next period, we will be able to see much better developments in business areas related to the service sector.

In Turkey, we look lucky. In fact, we had a very active virus control process since the beginning of the epidemic. We have been proactive, but we did not panic. When we talk to foreign visitors, they say ‘You handled this process very well’. I think we take this process well.

This epidemic has affected supply chains around the world. After the initial panic, countries began to think with their heads in both hands. This is a period when there should be more solidarity. It is no longer logical and possible to continue the system with a single provider, a unipolar world.

We see that they are turning to new searches, partners and partners. These associations could be the winners of the search that we believe one hundred percent in Turkey. We are getting the signals of this. “

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Noting that there is great momentum, especially on the investment side, Minister Varank said: “The appetite for investment continues in earnest both domestically and internationally. When we compare 2019 and 2020, we see a 30 percent increase in incentive certificates. a country and a country that can meet the needs of Turkey producing all kinds.

Turkey was a country that does not produce nitrile gloves. This whole sector was in the Far East. Currently, three companies are investing in nitrile gloves. I hope that the gloves produced in our country will be used in March. It is something very simple, but we have seen it in the mask. We have seen how valuable it can be when it is not available, and countries have reached the point of war with each other.

This appetite for the investor side shows that we are on the right track. We hope this appetite continues. So, we see that the products would bring to Turkey. Last year 4,875 incentive certificates were issued, this year 9,335 incentive certificates were issued. We only delivered 2,948 documents in the manufacturing industry. In 2019, the number of documents we delivered this year was 6,419.

Both investment is increasing and investment in manufacturing is increasing. We have high hopes for the future. Despite the period of the pandemic, the achievements of our entrepreneurs make us all proud.

I tell you that three years ago, a game company in Turkey that would be bought by Americans reached $ 1.8 billion, believe But despite the pandemic, a game company was sold for 1.8 billion dollars. positioning and the international situation in Turkey, we see that exact place ”, he said.


Turkey reiterated its calendar for the car. The minister said last year, Varank, “We will do our preview of the car at the end of this year. We will lay the foundations of our factory in 2020. By the end of 2022, our vehicles will be off the mass production line,” he stressed. that there are no changes to this calendar as of now.

Varank said: “Although we have Covid, we are in line with the calendar. Our car is very dear. Who we showed liked it a lot, our people approach it very positively. Since the problem of the car concerns everyone, there is a property. There are criticisms, here it is’ You work with global companies. You will buy some of the parts abroad. How is this national car? I am giving examples of this.

When you look at global supply chains right now, what vehicle is 100 percent produced within the territory of one country? How will you be competitive, will you convince people to buy more? Follow a policy accordingly.

This 100 percent of intellectual property rights belong to our country, designed by our own people, of course there may be other people among its suppliers, we are talking about a car and the global automotive industry is developing so fast that it is no longer we call it a car, it is already a smart product.

Turkey, a major car manufacturer. A country that exports 33 billion dollars in automotive, spare parts and engineering. If you’re just a vendor, you can do a site-based transformation.

We ourselves will activate this capacity in Turkey and Turkey’s Car, develop and create the Turkey mobility ecosystem. There is no problem here. Hopefully this means that by the end of 2022 we will see a tool that will always be against all of us when Turkey is proud of the band, “he said.


Minister Varank explained what was on his heart with the following statements:

“There is something in my heart. I want to send one of the first vehicles to all our embassies around the world so that our ambassadors can proudly get on those vehicles in those countries and travel through the streets of the countries with our cars. Show this to the whole world, I have such a dream. If we can achieve this, I think it will be a good thing.


Noting that the shortage of raw materials came from several different sectors in this period, Minister Varank said: “There are complaints about iron and steel, wood and chipboard. We evaluate them all one by one.

We want to unite manufacturers and solve problems. Sometimes there are comments looking for ulterior motives. There have been and will be opportunists in all periods. We fight with them. The increase in prices in the iron and steel industry is really abnormal. But the reason for this is that iron and steel prices are determined in global markets.

You have no chance to interfere with this. Scrap prices of $ 240 rose to $ 480. When the costs of the currency go up, we see that the prices go up. This is a temporary process. When you looked at February, we saw that prices went down because the blade did not move. There will be such price fluctuations during the pandemic process.

As long as we separate the malicious. But let’s strike the balance in a way that doesn’t make the producer a victim. For example, we write articles for sectors. Send us who has a problem with iron and steel. During the process of the pandemic, we saw that there will be a shortage of alcohol in the world.

We said to the cologne producers: ‘This cologne will be very valuable, our people should have access to it.’ The settlers said: ‘If you guarantee that you will provide us with raw materials at price x, we will never raise any price’ and they kept their promise.

Sugar factories that did not produce raw materials began to produce alcohol. We set up a mechanism such that neither alcohol prices fluctuated nor did the cologne manufacturers increase their prices. We have to take extraordinary measures in extraordinary times ”.


Sponge in stressing the need to establish capacity in Turkey. Varank, “Capacity producers are trying to establish themselves. Let me give an interesting example. Some of our exporters are having trouble finding containers. Because the container market in the world is in the hands of China.

If the containers come to this side from the Far East, they can fill the empty container and export. Now we gather the groups. Why not in the container business in Turkey? We are starting the initiative to produce packaging. As long as our exporter can find containers when they need them, he said. (İHA)
