Minister Soylu reacted very strongly on the podium: “What are you doing there with the terrorist militants?”


Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu spoke at the 31st Term Gendarmerie Command Expert Erbaş Basic Course graduation ceremony.

The statements of Minister Soylu are as follows:


“We have always faced difficulties, but today we are faced with another counterpart against our state. It is a multifaceted counterpart that points to the dignity, the reputation of our state, the state itself and the love, loyalty and faith of the nation. In different guises, using democracy as a Trojan horse, we are facing an offensive.

They saw that the outbreak of the virus in Turkey does not spoil the images. They attacked this institution with video clippings and fake news.

They exposed the lie of the helicopter.

When our police were successful, they exposed the search bench naked. They were not ashamed to dismiss the slightest slander. They did not hesitate to present the terrorists as innocent.

They tried to lure our government, which supported our merchants, to other areas with all kinds of lies.

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The most authoritative people made a statement, but did not hesitate to defame.


Two days ago, they held a ceremony at the university to show this country as a non-democratic country, again, through the appointment of the rector.

I want to ask here, what are those who arrive at the head of a political party doing with their militants affiliated with terrorism when they appoint a rector at the university? This country has suffered a lot, it has gone through many difficulties, it has seen people and politicians so militant that they want to disturb the peace of the country. But this country will not fall for this loom again. Like the vandals, they broke the university door, it is the home of science. Our country should be proud of the projects that will come from there.

They put our security forces and the police, who were trying to provide security, on the target board. They tried to humiliate and humiliate this state through the police. They went so far, especially a columnist … He compared him to the coup plotters of September 12.

We are not people who bend our words. This is called ulterior motive. This is called “pencil demonism.” The name of Turkish democracy, Turkey is to put into operation the bond of union. We do not know where they are trying to take this country’s agenda and what they are preparing for.

We will not see the old blows as innocent from the mouths of former officials.

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We are not going to see journalists’ descriptions of blows and actions to people just because I object. These things have hurt us a lot.

The blows and terror delayed us. We are stubborn. We are the children of the 2200-year-old state. We are children of people who pride themselves on existing with our 16 great states. Whatever they did, they failed on July 15. They couldn’t make it on December 17-25, at Gezi, on February 25. They couldn’t do this with terrorist organizations. They should know. We can’t do this.

Yesterday I visited Diyarbakır Mothers. A mother there says … “Demirtaş’s mother says:” My son is in the hands of the state, I want to take him. “Well, that mother doesn’t ask why, her son is in the hands of the PKK … She doesn’t ask why I want to take her. “
