Minister Koca denied those accusations! ‘We do not interfere with scientific research in Turkey’


Husband of ministers, Turkey’s Kovid-19 faced the fight and scientific research opportunities, the article “Turkey is Kovid-19 on promoting scientific research” was published in The Lancet.

With the article in question, Koca, president of the Turkish Thoracic Society Prof. Dr. By Hasan Bayram and his colleagues again on August 15 in the same journal “Kovid-19 on Scientific Research in Turkey Intervention” has responded to the claims in the published another article with the title.

Stating that the Ministry of Health has been fighting the epidemic under the guidance of distinguished Turkish scientists since the emergence of the global Kovid-19 epidemic, Koca, Bayram and their colleagues stated that it is not easy to understand the reason for the publication of the article. , the article only contains claims, research and reported that it is not based on evidence.

Her husband, in the course of the epidemic in Turkey, “Kovid-19 since the emergence of many European countries has not experienced unbridled tragedy in Turkey.” used the expression.

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Turkey’s health system, patients noted that the best medicine provides easy access to health services receiving possible husband treatment, each patient in need of medical care, according to the treatment and indicators in the intensive care unit from the hospital and said mechanical ventilation is provided.

Her husband, doctors in Turkey, as in other countries, which is that the recovery of the patient and will not have to make difficult decisions, such as which patients will be allowed to die calling attention, found the following assessment:

“The first paragraph of the article written by Fiesta and its colleagues clearly the response of Turkey’s Kovid-19 revealed that they intended to manipulate. Located in the article, ‘…. The Turkish Ministry of Health has reported the first case Genomic epidemiology analysis’ All influenza Sharing data from the Global Initiative (GISAID) according to the data, the disease mainly to Turkey via Iran is powerful enough to deceive amid commercial and tourist ties and thousands of Turkish citizens arrived from Saudi Arabia where they went to visit the expressions of the holy places, unfortunately. False information about the development containing Kovid-19 in Turkey. The journey beyond the first case detected on March 11, 2020, Turkey and the following new cases in the recommended time interval shows that the first case from Turkey to come from Europe. “

The husband of the ministers, all patient records in Turkey, the country’s Ministry of Health thanks to its robust digital infrastructure in the diameter indicating that it is kept in an electronic database, the application “Public Health Management System “and” Favorites of life “with the patient and the contact that people closely monitor and therefore the risk of contamination noted that it was minimized.

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Underlining that the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines use definitions of cases and deaths, Koca stated that a physician can request a PCR test for any patient at any time without any limitation. Koca also reported that patients with a positive test for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV) are reported as positive cases, according to WHO definitions and recommendations.

Noting that WHO definitions are also used to report deaths, Koca shared the information that clinicians can only start Kovid-19 treatment when they deem it necessary, regardless of the results of the PCR test.

Kovid-19 for PCR tests, stating that the husband from Turkey developed in the National Reference Laboratory for Virology the quality of the tests used and the sensitivity was approved regularly.

Minister Koca included the following statements in the article:

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“Said at the beginning of the article is located in the fourth paragraph of the pandemic, scientific committee will be established, coverage of complete treatment, promotion of research by the Ministry of Health and TUBITAK and the Turkish Institutes of Health Administration (TÜSEB) as funding institutions, admirable steps taken by the authorities. However, Salud Due to her ministry’s lack of transparency, her unwillingness to share basic data, and her refusal to cooperate, tensions between the public sector, health organizations and scientific organizations soon escalated. There was also concern about the lack of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers. ‘ I must say with regret that these claims can be refuted with simple questioning. “

Husband, “as part of humanitarian aid, in support of personal protective equipment to many countries in need of Turkey, article in the allegations contained in that it is not enough to meet the equipment needs of their own health workers, not worthy discussion “. found the evaluation.


Minister Koca emphasized that it cannot be accepted as a scientific approach to reach conclusions using only the death figures of a city and generalizing these data to the entire country and ignoring variables such as internal population movements, the large refugee population and the Intercity travel restrictions due to the pandemic:

“All patient records and hospital data in Turkey, the Ministry of Health is kept in the database based on the privacy policy and security of patient data. The Ministry of Health, researchers, attach great importance to the access to anonymous data to share scientific knowledge to convert and the scientific community. In addition, the Ministry of Health aims to support research and publication studies through various incentive models, including funding. In this context, the relevant unit of the Ministry of Health requests and compiles summaries of planned studies using an electronic form. “

Noting that the corresponding department received 9,317 requests for scientific studies as of September 1, 2020, it stated that no content control was carried out for these studies, and that it was recommended that several studies planned as multicenter be part of networks with access to the database. data. Koca said: “Currently, 196 scientists from 20 different fields can conduct their research with this database.” shared her knowledge.

Minister Koca noted that expanding the Ministry of Health network and facilitating access to the database are the Ministry’s main initiatives, underscoring that this also refutes the claims of “intervention in scientific research” by Bayram and his colleagues.

Koca completed his article with the following statements:

“There are no restrictions for researchers, including the people in the article in question, to complete their research at their own institutions. On the other hand, to continue the work collecting data and information from different centers of the Ministry of Health, the authors of the article in question must join the joint connection to allow them access to this database. urged. Including Day and his colleagues, in Turkey there are no restrictions on any study investigator. Ministry of Health, the importance that is given to science and scientific endeavor as it was before, and will continue to support “.

