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Mesut Yılmaz, one of the former prime ministers, lost his life


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Of the former prime ministers Mesut Yılmaz He died at the age of 72.

A tumor was found in her lung during Yılmaz’s routine health check in January last year. As a result of the operation performed on January 23, 2019, the cancerous tumor was removed.

Yılmaz, whose brain stem tumor was detected this time in May 2020, was receiving postoperative treatment.


In the statement made by the hospital where Yılmaz was treated, the following statements were made:

As we all know from Mr. Republic of Turkey, Ahmet Mesut Yilmaz, a former prime minister, has succumbed almost 2 years from today still fighting due to medical conditions and after developing lung cancer and winning us mercy. We wish his grieving family and loved ones patience, thank you to the Turkish nation.


Mesut Yılmaz’s brother, Turgut Yılmaz, gave information about the burials. According to this, Yılmaz’s funeral will be buried on Sunday at noon after the prayer to be held at the Theological Mosque of Marmara.

He lost his son 3 years ago

In 2017, the Yılmaz family suffered greatly. Mesut Yılmaz’s eldest son Yavuz Yılmaz ended his life. Mesut Yılmaz was operated on in 2019 due to the detection of cancer in his lung. In May of this year, he underwent surgery for a tumor in the brain stem.


Mesut Yilmaz from Turkey was one of the political actors who made his mark.

Mesut Yılmaz was born on November 6, 1947 in Istanbul. After Istanbul Erkek High School, he graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Political Science.
He did his master’s degree in Germany. After working in the private sector for a time, he entered politics in 1983 as a founding member of the Anavatan Party, at the request of Turgut Özal. He was only 36 years old.

Politics started quickly. He entered the Assembly as a deputy from Rize; He held ministerial positions in established governments until 1990.
When Turgut Özal became president, he became a minister in the government formed by Yıldırım Akbulut, but resigned. In 1991 he became director of the Patria Party. He became prime minister of the coalition government with DYP after the 1995 elections. However, when he could not agree with his partner, he soon resigned. Those in Turkey were turbulent years.

After the crisis of February 28, when the Erbakan government resigned, then-President Süleyman Demirel gave Mesut Yılmaz the task of forming the government. Mesut Yılmaz served in coalition governments as prime minister or his deputy until the 2002 elections.


When the Fatherland Party fell below the threshold in the 2002 elections, Mesut Yılmaz left the presidency. In 2004, he was sent to the Supreme Court with the complaint of corruption in the Türkbank tender held during his term as Prime Minister.
He became the first prime minister to be transferred to the Supreme Court.

The final verdict of the case was postponed when the crimes that were tried were amnestied. Yılmaz re-entered parliament as an independent Rize deputy in the 2007 elections. This was his last option.
Then he left active politics.

Mesut Yılmaz, who spoke German and English, was also known for his interest in sports, especially soccer. He was a great fan of Galatasaray.
