Melih Bulu protest at Boğaziçi University: ‘We don’t want an administrator’


Boğaziçi Solidarity and students protest the appointment of Melih Bulu as rector by President Erdoğan.

Melih Bulu protest at Boğaziçi University:


Students who wanted to protest the AKP’s appointment of Melih Bulu, a parliamentary candidate candidate from the 1st Istanbul Region, who had previously served in the AKP as president of Boğaziçi University in 2015, gathered in front of the university.

The students chanted “We do not want plagiarist rectors”, “The universities are ours”, “We do not want fiduciary rectors”, they stressed that they will create free universities. Students from Istanbul University, Marmara University, Istanbul Technical University, Yıldız Technical University and METU also supported Boğaziçi University.


A student from Istanbul University said: “We also have a transmission like Mahmut Ak. But we will win with resistance in both METU and the Bosphorus. If we gave our answer to those who took away our university rights by jumping through those doors, our resistance will throw Melih out of the Bosphorus today. Our resistance has been growing knot by knot. Universities are for students who want science and freedom; “Your state is not your mind.” Another METU Solidarity student said, “The reason they come here by car, car and police is because they are afraid of the students.”

One ITU student said: “Your fight is our fight. The fight for the freedom of the metal workers, the miners, the bar associations, all this is a fight for freedom. We salute your solidarity, we are always with you. “

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After the press release, the students who wanted to walk to the North Campus were intervened. Students who refused to enter by showing their cards one by one entered the North Campus despite attempts by private security to block it.

After the forum held at the North Campus, the students heard that the trustee Melih Bulu arrived at the South Campus. Police barricades were set up in front of the students marching towards the South Campus. The mass continues its anticipation with the slogans “Not to the students, but to the administrator.”

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