Latest News … Turkish Scientists Developed It! It will reduce the diagnosis of coronavirus to 10 seconds


Turkish researchers from Bilkent University’s National Center for Nanotechnology Research (UNAM) have developed a nanotechnology-based diagnostic system to diagnose a new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) in 10 seconds with 99 percent reliability and without a nasal swab.

It is intended to replace the foreign-sourced PCR tests of the “Diagnovir” high-tech product system, said to be the world’s first.

After the first cases had been established, cooperation with the results of months of study seemed to be a promising time at the Rector of Bilkent University in Turkey. Dr. Abdullah Atalar explained to the AA correspondent.

Stating that the coronavirus brought the world to its knees, Atalar said: “The coronavirus has a particle size of 150 nanometers. Our UNAM researchers have been dealing with nano-sized particles for years. Therefore, this topic is on. the field of our professors dealing with nanotechnology. ” I speak.

Immediately after the start of the coronavirus it can be seen in Turkey, indicating that the project for the development of a test system that gives rapid results was started. Ancestors continued:
“The project has been completed and a method has been developed that can replace PCR and is very fast, that is, in seconds. If it is positive, it gives immediate results, in case of negativity, it takes a little longer with the controls. after that we saw the return to PCR positive. This device is completely a Turkish product. Without his wife from Turkey he will benefit from this technology all over the world. We owe it to our course instructor at Bilkent UNAM and to the research environment. “

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Noting the importance of testing the coronavirus very quickly, Atalar said: “The kits are also very cheap, serial testing can be done with the device. It is very important to find that a person tests positive very quickly and to quarantine the epidemic. The technology can also be used in epidemics similar to the coronavirus. It has characteristics. ” He spoke in the form.

Ancestors Rector, after the introduction of new technologies in Turkey, pointed out that they will spread throughout the world “in the next period and we believe that in our country the present invention brought a lot of noise in the world”. used the expression.


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Bilkent University UNAM Principal Investigator of Doctor Lecturer Bülend Ortaç el fotonikçi, materials scientists and coronavirus as a working group composed of scientists working in the field of biology immediately after the interest in Turkey said that they began to work for develop a new test kit.

Stating that the work they carried out to rapidly develop the diagnostic system and kit using optical methods took 7 months, Ortaç said: “We had positive results in the second phase studies. Here, we saw that the tests we did with patients with coronavirus both in the laboratory and in the hospital gave results with great precision. ” shared his knowledge.

Stating that the work has become a product, Ortaç continued as follows:
“We have developed a rapid kit and device that can perform rapid diagnosis with an optical device only for oral swabs. While the PCR test is a method with a high margin of error and gives results 2-3 days after the start of disease, our system gives results in seconds and in the early stage of the disease. It is very, very high, with a rate of 99 percent. In the tests we performed on patients, we got results long before the PCR tests “.

Stating that the high technology they have developed is a completely new system, Ortaç stated that they have applied for an international patent for the right to intellectual protection.

As fast and reliable virus detection methods, the systems in Turkey and the voice believe that they will be widely used in the world Ortaç, “The necessary infrastructure for the mass production of the biosensor system has already been started. Ethics Committee Approval and approval of the Turkish Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices Agency (TİTCK) It is planned to complete the necessary permits as soon as possible, start the serial production phase of the product and bring it to users within an estimated period of 2 months. In this way, it will contribute to the control of the pandemic and it will be possible to significantly relax social life, the evaluation found.

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Physiologist Dr. Ali Aytaç Seymen, one of the UNAM researchers, shared the information that the new diagnostic system works by taking only saliva samples from the mouth, removing deep swabs from the nose, which can cause anguish to patients in other tests.

Stating that the sample taken from the patient gives results in 5 to 10 seconds if it is positive and in 20 to 30 seconds if the sample is negative, Seymen said: “We have proven that it works with 99 percent accuracy in our clinical studies. The system works with nanotechnology. In the patent investigation, there is no study similar to the system we have carried out. ” said.

Underlining that the diagnostic and diagnostic system is an optical-based method that changes the color of the glow in the presence of the virus, thus detecting with high selectivity, Seymen said:
“In this system, pathogens are detected in seconds by dynamically receiving a fluorescence signal through a pathogen detection chip developed specifically for a biosensor device. The sample taken from a patient is mixed with a special solution and dropped on the pathogen detection chip, and if there are any pathogens in the environment by the biosensor device. Detects the presence of pathogens with high precision by receiving a fluorescent signal. Unlike common PCR tests, the system is preferred to use advanced optics instead of swab samples from deep areas such as the oropharynx and nasopharynx. Optical and electronic modules were used in the system that provide detection of sensitive viruses and high selectivity in detection, as well as knowledge of biotechnology and materials science high level “.


The president of Bilkent Holding’s Business Strategy and Development Group, Tunç Batum, stated that the system called “Diagnovir” was developed as a result of the joint work of Bilkent Holding and a company called “EA Technology” that operates in the Technological Development Zone CYBERPARK from Bilkent, using the Bilkent UNAM infrastructure.

As the speed and precision of the Batumi system draws attention to the absence of counterparts around the world, “We are preparing the serial production infrastructure. In 2 months, first to Turkey, then we will offer this technology to the world. The PCR tests used in our country they come from abroad. Our goal is a profitable solution with indigenous kit. We create and we achieve it. Very, very cheap by PCR. This ucuzlukl to Turkey and the test facilities will have a lot of people in the world. ” said.

Batumi noted that all marking, certification and accreditation steps have been initiated for the widespread use of the system, which has a high export potential, both in Turkey and abroad.
