Latest news … The governorship was announced: 10-day quarantine for those with 38 degrees of fever


The Kastamonu governorate announced the decisions made by the Provincial Hygiene Board, which met under the chairmanship of Governor Avni Çakır. The statement, in the spread of coronavirus outbreaks around the world and especially in Europe is experiencing a rapid increase in cases and in Kastamonu in Turkey and noted that the increase in the number of patients treated. In this context, it was indicated that checkpoints will be established at the entrances to the city center to prevent unauthorized travel, prevent the spread of Kovid-19, determine if the curfew is being complied with, and identify positive Covid-19 and your contacts.

According to the statement; The body temperature of those who arrive at the checkpoints will be measured, and those that exceed 38 degrees will be placed in bedrooms determined by the Government. These people will be tested by PCR and will be subject to 10 days of mandatory isolation in the bedroom or at the address they declare. Those who have a normal fever and do not present any negative effects will be subjected to 10 days of isolation in the address they know.

The monitoring of those who come to the city from abroad and who are kept in isolation will be done through mukhtars in cooperation with law enforcement agencies. The identification numbers of those who are subject to isolation will be sent to the Community Health Center by the heads and the data entry will be made to the HES application.

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Those who come for educational and tourist purposes or to carry out a public position entrusted to natural or legal persons who carry out commercial and agricultural activities are excluded from this area.

