Latest news … Terrorist organization published horrible images of kidnapped children


Breaking news… According to the British newspaper Daily Mail report; The terrorist organization Boko Haram released images of dozens of more than 300 children abducted in Nigeria last week.

In the pictures, a young man surrounded by students believed to be his schoolmates gave a speech in English and said: “We have been captured by the Abu Shekau gang.”

“Please, please, we need your help,” the boy yelled after his voice shook. Meanwhile, before the filming ended, other children were yelling at the camera.


Osama Aminu, 17, who escaped from the terrorists, said the militants forced them to walk all night until they were allowed to rest.

The Nigerian government launched a large-scale operation to rescue young high school science students. Police, air force and military participated in the operation in the Zango / Paula forest.

According to Aminu’s statement; When the terrorists heard the sound of helicopters, he asked the students to hide under the large trees and lie face down.

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Stating that he managed to escape at night, Usame Aminu claimed that he was found coughing by someone who lived in the area and that thanks to him he changed his school clothes.


Good news came from Nigeria hours after the chilling images were published in the international media.

Katsina State Government Secretary Mustafa Muhammed Inuwa announced to journalists that hundreds of kidnapped students had been released.

Led by the leader of the terrorist organization Abu Bakr Shekau, Boko Haram raided an all-male public boarding school with 100 militants in the country’s northwestern Katsina province on December 11.

Although some students managed to escape the terrorists with AK-47 type rifles, approximately 330 students fell into the hands of the terrorist organization.
