Latest news … Statement by President Erdogan on the earthquake in Izmir


In his speech at the meeting of the Health Sciences Board of the Turkish Council, President Erdogan wished to recover soon in Izmir and the surrounding cities, which were exposed to the 6.6 magnitude earthquake that took place today in front of Seferihisar.

Wishing God’s mercy for the citizens who lost their lives in the buildings collapsed by the earthquake and the urgent healing of the injured, Erdogan said:

“Finally, the death toll when we got here was 12. The number of our injured was 438. Among them, 5 of our citizens were in surgery and 8 of our citizens were in intensive care. To date, our search efforts continue in 17 buildings AFAD, our Police Department, our health units and other relevant public personnel are doing their work with heart and soul. We also provide the necessary food and shelter support to our citizens who have not yet been able to enter their homes because their buildings were damaged or could not recover from the shock of the incident.

“Required resource transferred immediately”

Stating that the necessary resources were immediately transferred to the Foundation for Social Aid and Solidarity, President Erdogan continued his words as follows:

“Our goal is to heal the wounds as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the President of Qatar called, we spoke with him and we said” if any request for support is required, we are with you with all our means. “We thanked them. Greek Prime Minister Mr. Miçotakis called again in the same way. Because Greece was affected by this earthquake, but there were no deaths at the time of our meeting. But they also said they were affected. Thank you, they said: ‘If help is needed, we are ready.’ We said: “There is no such situation at the moment, but if we have a duty, we are with Greece with all our means.” In addition, the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, called our brother and they also said: “We are with you with all our means.”

“This news from Izmir really upset us deeply.”

“While the pain from the Elazig and Malatya earthquakes that occurred in January was still fresh in our hearts, this news from Izmir really saddened us.” Erdogan said, continued as follows:

“We feel once again with each impact that our country lives in an earthquake danger zone from the easternmost to the furthest. We are resolutely implementing the plans we have been working on to respond to disasters and emergencies. We are renovating our park of earthquake-resistant buildings with urban transformation projects. I wish God’s mercy to the deceased and the urgent healing of the injured. I would like to thank all the friendly countries that offered help on this painful day. “

Turkey and the whole world, Erdogan also said that camel meat on my way with the new wave of the epidemic negatively affecting, the words continued as follows:

“Number of cases of the now 45 million, the loss of lives of 1 million against the outbreak of 200 thousand to get there, a definitive and effective remedy has not yet been found. Now working from the real use phase is our best hope in this regard. Turkey, on the one hand, China, Russia, closely the vaccine trials in countries like the United States, Hopefully, we will be at the stage where we can apply our own vaccine to our citizens next spring. By the end of the year, we plan to offer one or more of the vaccine studies approved by our scientists in the world for the benefit of our citizens. I see the fourth meeting of the Health Sciences Committee of the Turkish Council, which took place in that period, as an important step in terms of expanding opportunities for cooperation and sharing available knowledge. Unfortunately, the world, especially developed countries, could not give a good test of solidarity and solidarity. To help each other, solidarity against the epidemic, the oppressed and the victims were almost left to their fate. “

“Turkey, for example, revealed an attitude”

Erdogan expressed that the Turkish sample revealed an attitude that at this point, he said:

“We consider it our duty to help each other around the world without discrimination of religion, language, race or region. During the epidemic period, we responded positively to the demands of 155 countries and 8 international medical supply organizations and shared our opportunities. We have endeavored to do All the best for them. From now on, we will maintain the same caring and humane attitude. I wish my Lord to save all mankind from this epidemic as soon as possible. ”

“Turkey has enviable young human resources”

Turkey’s 84 million and the first 15 million in population, high school and high school students and 8 million university students with the enviable Erdogan emphasized that with a young human resources, he still pointed out that about 40 percent of the proportion of the population total population under 30 years of age.

Erdogan, 5 million foreigners living in Turkey in various states by transferring the figures that found that 90 million people are added to this group, he continued:

“Even though birth rates are falling, we are still among the top countries with the youngest and most skilled population in the world. My wishes to have at least 3 children at every opportunity are not a random statement. It is a vital determination. for the future of our country. If you pay attention, I not only say young, but also emphasize that it is trained. A young population that is not endowed with human and national values ​​and has not been trained in a way that masters technology and practices of the time ceases to be an advantage and becomes a problem in itself.In the past century, we see that developed countries have been seriously concerned about the future due to population loss, and that this concern is one of the main reasons for the growing Islamophobia and xenophobia in the West. We also know. On the other hand, Turkey is considered one of the stars of the future in accelerating the analysis of the restructuring process. global uration related to the impact of the epidemic.

I would like to share with you a truth that I saw at the scientific meetings and awards ceremonies that I attended. Turkey’s historical advance in democracy and development in the past made in the period, as well as in scientific and research activities in all fields, has brought us to the fore. During my First Ministry and Presidency, I provided personal support to all projects related to the promotion of scientific studies, the dissemination of research and development activities, and the design and use of high technology. In this process, both our universities and our research, design and technology institutions affiliated with our various institutions and our private sector have begun to grow rapidly to support each other. Turkey’s health of a wide range behind the defense industry to show that there is great success in global cooperation and the impact of hard work. “

President Erdogan, youth and children from all over Turkey to impart enthusiasm to many science and research projects, stressing that they walked, said:

“Dormitory that we established our scientists outside of our school to encourage the return to our country deneyap also by our dissemination of these efforts in a wide area until the workshop, we began to arrive gradually. Currently, we leave behind these critical processes that we successfully go through, In 2023 we will see a new Turkey against us when we achieve our goals. Through the steps we have taken so far. ” Now we look at our future with more hope than yesterday. Increasing our confidence in our country and in ourselves allows us to fill the bottom of our 2053 vision more strongly. “

“Turkey is determined to rank first among the most advanced countries in the world”

President Erdogan exposed to the heart of all the attacks, stressing that despite all the obstacles removed to the front along with other areas of science, they are determined to take the first place among the most advanced countries in the world to Turkey. Erdogan said: “Once again we expect the greatest support from our scientists. Under your leadership, I believe that we will move forward together and fulfill the responsibility that history has given us. I thank each of you for your efforts and efforts.” I speak.

Erdogan, Turkey Today Institutes of Health Administration (TÜSEB) said they awarded the award, hematology, medical oncology and Aziz Sancar received the Science Award for his work in the field of stem cells, Prof. Dr. Congratulated Taner Demirer.

Stating that Demirer, who has worked in many scientific platforms, is one of the pride scientists of the country, who has been awarded other awards before, knows his studies in the field of cancer closely, Erdogan concluded his words as follows :

Aziz Sancar left Mardin and climbed the scientific ladder in America. Our teacher Taner, who left Yozgat and grew up abroad after his education in our country, is a value that has continued his services in our country for 33 years. I hope we benefit more from our teacher’s knowledge.

We awarded the TÜSEB service award to our company Koçak Farma İlaç Sanayi. Koçak Farma is a company that has added value to our country with its efforts in the production of the national Kovid-19 vaccine, as well as its successful work in other fields. I congratulate the entire Koçak Farma family in the person of Ender Koçak.

This year’s TÜSEB Incentive Awards were presented to Dr. Dr. Abdullah Ercüment Çiçek of the İzmir Biomedicine Genome Center Dr. Arif Ergin Çetin and Assoc. Dr. We introduce you to Mehmet Gönen. We consider our scientists, each of whom has been awarded this award for their work in their respective fields, as the future Aziz Sancar candidates of our country. On this occasion, the professor, who is one of the prides of our country in the field of science. Dr. Aziz Sancar, I wish our teacher a long and healthy life. Once again, I congratulate all of our scientists and hope their success continues exponentially. For the Turkic Council Health Sciences Board, I ask our guests who are in our country to convey our greetings and conversations to all of our brothers and sisters when they return to their countries. “
