Latest news … Social Science Council Member Prof. Dr. Mustafa Necmi İlhan’s Warning for those who will party in hotels and villas on New Year’s Eve: It can kill


Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Gazi University, Head of the Department of Public Health and member of the Committee of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Health. Dr. Mustafa Necmi İlhan made a statement to DHA and warned about the 4-day curfew that will apply at the beginning of the year. Prof. Dr. İlhan pointed out that the curfew will be restricted for one more weekend and then the New Year’s ban will begin, and that New Year’s Eve should not be seen as a vacation opportunity.

Prof. Dr. İlhan said: “Christmas is an opportunity to strengthen the fight against the coronavirus. If we do not see it that way, we will be wrong. We hear from our environment, we are witnesses; some families get together to celebrate villas or participate in various parties. Yes such an approach enters the New Year, our citizens, the number of cases and patients. ” it will increase again, “he said.


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Prof. Noting that everyone should be responsible for themselves, İlhan said, “Maybe everyone wants to have a vacation, have fun, but we should know that almost none of the health professionals go on vacation, they don’t have fun. people have the idea of ​​being together at the beginning of the year, it would be the best way to give up right away. There is a time period of 4 nights and 3 days. If people are together in the same place, if they are in places like keep a villa or stay together, there is no possibility of not contracting the disease if a person is coronavirus during that contact. Also, we know this when we look at the number of cases and illnesses. About 1 in 5-6 cases gets sick. This means that the people they spend time with may also be asymptomatic. Even if they are not diagnosed as coronavirus patients, they may find themselves in hospitals upon returning from vacation, they may be seriously ill, and because the risk of infection will be high during the time you spend together. h may lose their lives. We need to know that the more people positive for the coronavirus are together over a long period of time, the more the burden of the virus will increase, “he said.


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Prof. Dr. Regarding those who consider New Year’s Eve a party, “I want to tell our citizens who consider New Year’s Eve a party and think about spending time together; we are at home or in the hospital or in the country. filming that night. We had a Vacation Sacrifice process, we were all at home. “We can be, we can spend time with our nuclear family. If we don’t do this, it is necessary to say with certainty that the cases will increase. “

