Latest News … President Erdogan asked for vaccination! He spoke clearly about the New Years holidays.


President Erdogan left his residence in Kısıklı at noon and went to the Ömer Öztürk mosque. Erdogan, who conducted Friday’s prayer here, was accompanied by the Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank, the Communications Director of the Presidency Fahrettin Altun, Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya and the Istanbul Provincial Chairman of the AK Party, Bayram Şenocak .

Erdogan responded to questions from members of the press after Friday’s prayer.

After talking to the citizens for a while, Erdogan entered a store selling local products in Kaldirim Caddesi and bought.

President Erdoğan served the press the Turkish delight with store-bought walnut sausage.

Latest news ... President Erdogan called for vaccination and spoke clearly about the New Year holidays

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President Erdoğan left his residence in Kısıklı, Üsküdar, and arrived at the Ömer Öztürk Mosque at noon.

Erdogan then responded to journalists’ questions about the agenda. President Erdogan said: “These statements by Mr. Putin are in fact expressions that speak for themselves. After meeting Mr. Putin, I got to know him exactly like this. I really don’t know how to deal with almost any state in our relations. bilateral. “The country we can take strong is rare. I hope that we will continue the relationships that we have had so far, in the same way. Now when we look at the trade volume between us, we are walking with the same determination towards our goals, I think we will walk. “


Regarding coronavirus vaccines, Erdogan said: “I am not a medical member, my field is economics. But I am the president of my country. Of course, I have my own consultants as a doctor. I have my own consulting professors. There are a health facility as well as a minister. Our future deal is 50 million, but 4.5 million will come first. Everyone shouldn’t talk in this field. Of course, our teachers are the ones to talk about. We are fighting against the virus at this time, and we should not think of a virus on this issue without causing any problems. And our wish is that we be the strongest and most successful against this scourge of coronavirus. Let us respond on the way. First, here are China and Germany “We will run our process with vaccines from these two countries.”

Latest news ... President Erdogan called for vaccination and spoke clearly about the New Year holidays.

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President Erdogan, “Will there be additional measures for the New Year?” He made the following evaluations on the question as:

“We have a cabinet meeting on Monday. For once, these parties, whether in hotels or villas … All our security forces will take all kinds of precautions. We cannot allow them. If our intelligence detects such things, it will carry out the necessary operation. For us, our people. Our duty as a state is to protect the health and lives of our people. What will they say now? ‘Look … Where is the state? We are not giving this opportunity. No one should doubt this “.

Latest news ... President Erdogan called for vaccination and spoke clearly about the New Year holidays

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When asked about relations with Israel, President Erdogan said: “Our relations with Israel are not cut off at the point of intelligence, they continue. We are experiencing some difficulties with the people at the top. Israel’s policy on Palestine is almost our red dot. We accept the Palestinian policies of Israel. ” “It is not possible. We cannot accept his ruthless behavior there and his attitude towards the Palestinian land.”

When asked about the health condition of former Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Kadir Topbaş, who was receiving treatment for the coronavirus, President Erdogan said: “There are accident events. Every day I receive information from his son.”

Latest news ... President Erdogan called for vaccination and spoke clearly about the New Year holidays

Erdogan declared that he will enter the new year in Istanbul.

When asked about relations with Israel, President Erdogan said: “Our relations with Israel are not cut off at the point of intelligence, they continue. We are experiencing some difficulties with the people at the top. Israel’s policy on Palestine is almost our red dot. We accept the Palestinian policies of Israel. ” “It is not possible. We cannot accept his ruthless behavior there and his attitude towards the Palestinian land.”

When asked about the health status of former Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Kadir Topbaş, who was receiving treatment for the coronavirus, President Erdogan said: “There are eventful events. Every day I receive information from his son.”

Erdogan declared that he will enter the new year in Istanbul.
