Latest news: Minister Akar’s statement on the “ Eastern Mediterranean ”


Following the SAT teams’ exercises, Akar said of developments in the Eastern Mediterranean: “There are those who try to guide us by going beyond their limits and heights. We cannot accept them.” said.

Akar, together with the Chief of General Staff Yaşar Güler, the Commander of the Land Forces General Ümit Dündar, the Commander of the Naval Forces Admiral Adnan Özbal and the Commander of the Air Forces General Hasan Küçükakyüz conducted examinations and inspections at the Command of the Grupo SAT del Sur within the scope of your visit to Izmir.

Latest news: statement by Minister Akardan on the Eastern Mediterranean

The Akar and TAF commanders, who arrived in the area where the SAT teams were located by helicopter, were received by the SAT commander, Rear Admiral Ercan Kireçtepe, and received a briefing.

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Subsequently, Akar and Commanders followed the floating elements exercise carried out by the SAT teams. The targets were successfully destroyed using various types of weapon systems and naval vehicles in the SAT Command inventory.

Akar and TSK command staff congratulated the staff who successfully completed the tasks assigned to the SAT elements.

Latest news: statement by Minister Akardan on the Eastern Mediterranean


Addressing SAT personnel and SAT trainees after training, Akar described elite troops as strategic forces that can change the direction of operation and shape the battlefield.

Akar expressed his pride in the training of the SAT staff and the tasks they have performed so far, saying: “The greatest skill of a soldier, his achievement, his determination to fight, fight to the end … We will receive this training here. . We will value the trainings here. Anyway, we will and hopefully take your existing upper level much further and as long as a task is assigned anywhere and anytime we will have the peace of doing it successfully as in glorious history. of the TSK “. I speak.

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Referring to developments in the eastern Mediterranean, as well as military and defense issues, Akar said: “As we always say, we are in favor of peace, dialogue and political solutions. We respect good relations and neighborhood agreements, everyone’s law, but also to protect the rights and interests of our country and our nation. and we are extremely determined to observe and we can do so. Until when? Until I die. If I die, we will continue our struggle with the understanding of a martyr or veteran. ” He spoke in the form.

Latest news: statement by Minister Akardan on the Eastern Mediterranean

Akar claimed that the Turkish Armed Forces, emerging from the bosom of the noble nation, are in command of the nation according to the wisdom, science, constitution, laws and instructions of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“There are those who come from thousands of kilometers and try to take a role here. There are those who try to guide us to teach us by transcending their limits and heights. We cannot accept them. We were born free, we live free. We are ready to fight for our sovereignty and independence, but our choice is dialogue and political solutions. . When necessary, we will do whatever it takes to protect our rights, our interests and win them. “

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The camouflage jacket and hat that Minister Akar wore during his visit attracted attention.

The logo of the Ministry of National Defense appeared on the aforementioned garments, which were also used by SAT personnel.
