Latest News: Meteorological Shower Advisory and Experts: ‘We are entering La Niña’


Here are the weather warnings from meteorology and experts:


CNN TURK meteorology editor Bünyamin Sürmeli said: “The amount of precipitation in Istanbul can reach 25-30 kilograms and exceed it. The area around the Bosphorus and the Anatolian side appears to receive more rainfall. Also in the Western Black Sea, there will be heavy rains on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. made warnings.


Prof. Dr Orhan Şen (faculty member of the ITU Department of Meteorological Engineering): “This year the autumn rains are delayed. October 1 is the beginning of the water year for us. It hasn’t rained properly since October 1. Rainfall was also low in September. This week it rains. The air temperature will also drop. There will be thunderstorms. You need to pay attention to today and Saturday. The impact of the global climate crisis is great in these rains. The severity of the precipitation is increasing. This year we enter the year of La Niña. This shows that we will see less precipitation in the northern hemisphere. In Turkey we have now passed the semi-arid climate of the Mediterranean climate. There are torrential rains, thunderstorms. We only see two seasons throughout the year. I can say that we will not see fully in the Marmara Region during these months. Because the ground surface has cooled down. “


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Prof. Dr. Adil Tek (Head of the Meteorology Laboratory at the Kandilli Observatory): “We are now at a time when we are beginning to see clearly the effects of the climate crisis. In the past, we used to see degrees like -4, -5 in Istanbul, and now we can’t see them. While we used to see the highest 32-33 degrees, we started to see 37 degrees in the summer months. When we looked in terms of precipitation, we still couldn’t see the October precipitation. When we look at the 110-year values ​​at the Kandilli Observatory, we see that an average of 60 kg of precipitation falls in these months. Precipitation this year is 22 kg. Climate models show that rainfall will be lower in November, December and January. In the long term, if it doesn’t rain enough next spring, a dry summer awaits us in 2021.

WEATHER WARNINGS: ‘Attention to Friday, 10/30/2020’

The General Directorate of Meteorology has warned citizens of potential flooding, lightning and transportation disruptions in the torrential rain expected to affect Istanbul and surrounding cities today.

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“10.30.2020, the occasional showers and thunderstorms that will be seen in the northwest of our country on Friday, starting at noon in Istanbul, Eastern Marmara, Bursa, Yalova, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Bilecik and, eventually, Düzce, Zonguldak, Bartin in the coastal parts of the Western Black Sea. (21-50 kg / m2); Since it is expected to be very strong (50-75 kg / m2) in the northern part of the Anatolian part of Istanbul and in Kandıra from Kocaeli, Kaynarca and Ferizli from Sakarya districts, floods, lightning strikes, transportation disruptions should be careful and wary against such negativity. “
