Latest news … Important statements from President Erdogan


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan speaks at the “Technology-Oriented Industrial Movement: MESS Technology Center and 40 Factory Opening Ceremony”.

These are the highlights of Erdogan’s statements:


My dear nation, dear members of our business world, dear guests, I greet you with my sincere respect and affection. I am pleased to be with you industrialists because of this significant program. It really means a lot to us to hold such a ceremony on the eve of August 30, Victory Day. I praise our Lord, who led the month of Muharram, which Allah describes as the month.

Soon, we will share the results of the technology-focused industry moving program and officially open our 40 factories. We will be proud to bring to our country the MESS technology center, which is the only one in its field in the world.

I hope we can break new ground with this center. I believe that our center will meet an important need.

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Turkey believes in the potential, we are personally investing in the bright future of our country and to express my gratitude on behalf of my nation.

I am glad to see that our corporate world operates in a spirit of full mobilization.

While many countries are experiencing a recession from the Kovid epidemic, the Turkish economy is successfully undergoing its recovery process.

Neither our private sector nor our public institutions have interrupted their investments.

Latest news ... Important statements from President Erdogan


While the epidemic brought some difficulties to all of us, it also created new opportunities for our business world.

Industry, production capacity, geographical location, solid health and transportation infrastructure, Turkey is one of the most popular countries in this search.

During the epidemic period, many of our companies had the opportunity to open up to countries with limited market share.

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Someone reluctantly Turkey has promised to become a global production base.

We have never crushed our merchants, industrialists, farmers and workers under a heavy burden of interest. We have always been with our producers with a well-studied original and pioneering incentive system.

We recently implemented a district-based incentive system by signing a structural reform to our incentive system.

The share of R&D expenditures in our national income has exceeded 1 percent for the first time in our history.

Latest news ... Important statements from President Erdogan

“TURKEY RUNS FOR GREAT AND POWERFUL, we run, we will test our power”

By increasing the number of Organized Industrial Zones from 193 to 321, we strengthened the productive capacity of our country. There is no city left that does not have an Organized Industrial Zone.

If we did not experience any supply shortages during the epidemic period, it is thanks to this strong production infrastructure.

In the days when even healthcare professionals couldn’t reach the mask in the richest countries in the world, we managed to get the household respirator off the production line. We take our 60 year dream that Turkey is still the base of the car factory in this period.

Friday; We will put the Ankara-Niğde highway at the service of our nation. We ran through the great and powerful Turkey despite the difficulties, we hurried, we will work our power.

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Our journey of service, which began in 2002, has never been a thornless rose garden. We wrested with the newspaper headlines, the media that designed the policy. We have fought against terrorist organizations, from DAESH to its PKK and DHKPC. We fight the marauders. We fought with the traitors who used the tank, which the state entrusted to their honor, against the nation.

We fought the callous opposition, who tried to avoid every step we took through the judiciary.

We fight with sectarian fanatics who signify unity and unity of our people. We wrestled with interest groups who were used to adding wealth to their wealth without producing or breaking a sweat.

For 18 years, our country, our nation and working here as it is today investing for the prosperity of Turkey and the development of our business, we strive for you.

18 years ago, even when the allocation passed, Turkey is the thirteenth largest economy in the world. We introduced a country that takes its patients hostage to a health system that shows fingerprints in the world.

We are one of the 4-5 countries with the most advanced technology in the world in UAV. We are again in first place in development aid compared to national income.

Latest news ... Important statements from President Erdogan

It is the result of effort and the belief that a country, which was talked about with political stability for a time, reached the agenda with its successes, the discoveries of natural gas in the Black Sea and seismic research in the Eastern Mediterranean.

This success rate of our country will continue to increase as the state and the nation give back back to back.

Turkey not only as short-term goals, medium and long-term projects, especially we have to take.


We are taking a historic step. Within the scope of this program, we identify products that are critical to our country. We also made claims about robotics, advanced materials, chip technology, electric and unmanned transportation systems. We made the first call of our program to the machinery sector, which is of strategic importance for the industry. We have completed the support of 10 projects that will raise the level of the sector. While TÜBİTAK will finance the R&D of the projects and KOSGEB will finance the investment costs, our ministry will also provide state support.

Latest news ... Important statements from President Erdogan

I would like to briefly refer to the details of 10 projects.

Our Atlas company will produce the motor, driver card and pump parts used in building heating for the first time in our country.

Our Dirinler company will produce materials for large wind turbines and will create an added value of 329 million lira in 5 years.

Ermaksan will be the second company in the world to produce large additive manufacturing machines with a production capacity of 800×800 millimeters.

Motor company WAT will develop servo motor systems.

Durmazlar Makina will produce ultra-fast lasers and single-mode lasers used in additive manufacturing machines.

Akım metal will develop and mass-produce CNC machine tools.

İğrek Makine will manufacture high-tech CNC machine tools with local and national resources.

Polat Makina will carry out mass production of super critical fluid systems. Thus, these systems on which we depend technologically outside will be domestic and national.

The Dualus company will produce ball screw shafts that are frequently used in the defense industry. These balls are indispensable for guided ammunition.

We will carry out the moving program in other sectors such as transport vehicles, chemicals, pharmacy and electronics. Thus, we will locate a group of products with a current account deficit of approximately 30 billion dollars a year.

Today, in addition to launching the MESS technology center and announcing the technology-oriented industry moving program, we are opening 40 factories in different sectors.


I congratulate each of our companies that generate direct employment for 4 thousand citizens and indirect employment for tens of thousands of people.

I wish success to the companies that will benefit from the Technology Centered Industry Movement Program. Take a step such that; In the first place, you are the initiators of a step that will increase the export potential of our country but will significantly reduce imports. And at the same time, they will be the architects of the project ‘we are enough’. My Lord says to open our way and our fortune with bold health …

Details are coming …
