Latest news … Important statements by Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk


These are the highlights of the statements of the Minister of National Education Selçuk:

(EBA) There are places where we are advantageous, but there are also places where we are at a disadvantage. For students who are having difficulty accessing the live class, we should do more. If there is any criticism at any point, let’s compare it to other countries. Our biggest supporters are our parents. I am grateful to all of you.


Looking back, I can tell that we are in good spirits for most of the work.
There is a demand on social media regarding a decision today. After 3 days, the Scientific Committee will meet, it must be evaluated. Explain the decision without data. We cannot do this. Suggestions are coming. If we do any of this, thousands of lawsuits will be filed. We do not say that there is no problem, nor do we say that everything is perfect. We need to work on the following elements.

In general, the uncertainty of the process makes our decisions dynamic. The process of the epidemic and the decisions of the scientific committee are important to us. We explain our decisions based on incoming data.

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While the whole world was opening schools, why not us? We don’t open schools because we have to look at the socio-anthropological picture of our conditions, the structure of our country, our social life, our weddings, funerals, everything. There are hundreds of scientists behind your educational decisions.


Some children’s families are more involved, others less. The interest of parents and children in doing homework is a reflection of distance education. We would not have sent workbooks to students before, now we are giving them all on paper, all for free. This period is a very special period in the world and in Turkey. Our current advantage. Before, we would not have sent many books to our students in the village schools. We used to operate in a limited area for teacher training, this area has been expanded. There would be no more autism training, we now provide it. The previous lessons can live to our full capacity was around 100 thousand in Turkey, now it has passed 3 million.

Important last minute statements from the Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk


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There is a digital report card. We don’t want to increase mobility with face-to-face report cards. We provide relief by making changes to legislation during extraordinary periods. In which groups we can start the face-to-face training on February 15, we made preparations. To explain, we must look at the data on the course of the epidemic.


We do not intend to increase mobility by handing out report cards face to face. It’s a digital report card. For high schools, the report card can be obtained after the first trimester grading process ends. If we say that there is no exam, it will become something destined to paralyze the educational system for the next 5-6 years.

The Ministry of Health and the Scientific Committee should set a threshold and get to the point where we can examine after this point. You said, now you say that. We did not know that the epidemic would expand so much that it is a dynamic process.

The important thing here is not to get away from the most difficult situation. We cannot say that there will be no exams from the beginning, we act on the conditions. The psychological state of children is very important.

We established 3 channels in 10 days, printed and shipped millions of volumes of books. It is no coincidence that we are the first in the world at EBA.

The inexperience of established television channels. We sat and learned. We can make mistakes, but this is the road and the journey.


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As in all the world, it will be done starting from the elderly and working in the area of ​​greatest risk. Later, we also have studies for the vaccination of our teachers.

We had a meeting on how to get through the process in England regarding schools. We compare it to our own process.

(Kovid-19 vaccine) It will pave the way for us to do face-to-face training. We are in contact with the Ministry of Health to start the vaccination process as soon as possible, if our teachers wish. In line with the vaccination schedule, we have efforts to prioritize health professionals and the elderly first, and then teachers. For normalization to occur, schools must also be in order.


Now there’s something like this, everything we drop in our education becomes next year’s problem. We must fill in our deficiencies. When our students have an exam, we will take all action.

We are preparing a more controlled environment than the bazaar. We have a contact teacher, it is not about being a supervisor.

When our high school students have an exam, we will take every precaution. We have shown it in LGS, in other cases.


Educational decisions are made based on scientific data. I cannot make a decision before the statistical data is available and mature. As education is a science, we take into account what society wants, but we act rationally. Our parents are interested in the process, many questions arise.

We have a virtual robot that answered 46 million questions. He received awards in the world.

The number of thanks is very high, that makes us happy.
