Latest news: expressions of fear in the case of a baby who drinks alcohol



In her statement, Anne Figen Ü, stated that Burak B. did not marry her, that this was the main reason for their fights and that she gave birth prematurely because she was exposed to insults and verbal violence. Stating that father Burak B. does not care about the baby and is in constant contact with other women, Figen Ü, stated that he did not sell his ovaries as mentioned. Expressing that she donated eggs to be a hope for a family without children, the mother said that she did this to 2-3 families. Figen Ü. He said: ‘After leaving Burak, I went to the houses to clean. Since Burak did not want to take care of the baby, I left the baby to my cousin Merve on the way to work. It is not true that my boyfriends come to my house. The baby was in Merve when the subject’s photo was taken. When I went to pick up my baby, Merve showed me the photo. I was very angry and we had an argument with my cousin. “I don’t even put my baby in environments where he smokes.”


Claiming that Burak B. cheated on him with a woman at the nursery, Figen Ü. He said he took good care of his son and did the hospital checks. Figen Ü. Said it didn’t look good. The mother said she did not accept the accusations and demanded that her son stay with her. As the state takes the baby away from the mother and protects him, the investigation into the incident continues.

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