Latest news … Declaration of the Eastern Mediterranean by the Minister of National Defense, Hulusi Akar | Video


Minister Akar, Chief of General Staff Yaşar Güler, Commander of the Land Forces General Ümit Dündar, Commander of the Naval Forces Adnan Adnan Özbal and Commander of the Air Forces General Hasan Küçükakyüz participated in the Training Graduation Ceremony of Command and Personnel of the Second Term of the War Institutes of the University Forces of National Defense.

Libyan Defense Minister Selahaddin Namroush, Vice Minister of National Defense Yunus Emre Karaosmanoğlu, Rector of the National Defense University Prof. Dr. The ceremony, which was also attended by Erhan Afyoncu and the Commander of the 1st Army, General Musa Avsever, began with a minute of silence and the Turkish National Anthem.

In the ceremony in which the video “Comando” was seen on the screen, prepared by the Ministry of National Defense and shared with the public on August 30, Victory Day, their diplomas were presented to the student officers who completed their education with a title.

Speaking after the top winners of the period hit the plaque on the age register, Akar stated that they graduated 137 official students who successfully completed their education.

Stating that the responsibilities of graduate officers have increased further, Akar said: “The duty of the Turkish Armed Forces is to do everything we have to do within the framework of sovereignty and independence while protecting all our rights, interests and interests on land, sea and air, while ensuring the safety of 83 million. It does so at sea and in the air. ” I speak.

Stating that risks, threats and dangers have started to emerge not only numerically but also in different dimensions, Akar drew attention to changes in modes of operation.

This flexible and variable environment in the Turkish Armed Forces doing everything possible, stressed that Akar will continue to do, “under the leadership of our President of the Republic of Turkey, all our institutions, 83 million of our citizens Republic of Turkey with their efforts, the personality, the identity of the claims, demands their presence now at the international level became an issue in the environment. ” said.

Referring to the importance of the strict implementation of the measures taken in the field of fighting the coronavirus epidemic, Akar said: “We have been brought under control with the measures taken by my commander friends and all my civilian military friends. We are truly grateful. We see that the measures taken on our ships, our fleets, in our areas of operation are effective in terms of not meeting Kovid in any way. ” . “he used the expressions.

During his speech, Akar also addressed military and defense issues, stated that counterterrorism activities are continuing with determination and said: “Our commandos with Claw-Kaplan continued their activities and all determined areas were cleared of terrorists. We continued our activities to secure the region there. Until the last terrorist is neutralized. We will continue and remove the suffering, pain and misfortune that we have been suffering for 40 years from our country and our noble nation. ” said.

Akar stated that they comply with what must be done to protect the rights, interests and interests in the Aegean, the Mediterranean and Cyprus while continuing anti-terrorism activities, on the one hand, and on the other, “We respect the agreements, judicial decisions, customs. Whatever our responsibilities, they are within the framework of all the bilateral agreements that we have concluded. We do everything. We call it dialogue. We are not in favor of war. We say dialogue. When we say this We want it not to be perceived as weak in any way. ” I speak.


Stating that they want the two peoples to live in accordance with international law within the framework of good neighborly relations, Akar said:

“This is our goal and we have done it in our history of hundreds of years. We want the same, but today we see that our neighbors unfortunately have problems understanding this issue. It is perceived as a weakness. On the other hand, we will protect and safeguard our rights , interests and interests “. We will not compromise our rights in the slightest. ” When we say, we say that it is wrong to perceive it as a threat. We reveal the facts and the math. In that context, we ask to meet and speak. After the meeting of the Secretary General of NATO with our President, there are initiatives to start a meeting between the soldiers, we support them. “

Claiming that Greece has armed 16 candidates in violation of the Lausanne Treaty, Akar said: “Our neighbor, when there is a matter related to him, ‘Let’s not look at these, put them aside, let’s not talk about them, let’s talk about other matters.’ they understand. This is not acceptable either. ” said.

In addition to the condominium agreements with those not transferred to the Greek islands and is the kayacik, Greece Akar adopted on strike as theirs all of them, “This is in the end they also quite like, our country with visits to those closest to Turkey, in action against our nation They are not provocations, they do not increase tensions, but they act against good neighborly relations. ” I ask.

“It does not serve either dialogue or peace”

Minister Akar, referring to recent events in the Eastern Mediterranean, said: “France has no relationship with the region, it has no borders, it has no duty of representation derived from the agreements. It does not have the authority to represent NATO, the EU, but it comes from thousands of kilometers from the principles. They are talking about accusations. This is really a set of claims that have no progress. They cannot be accepted. ” said.

Recalling that there are exercises in which France participated with military resources brought to the region, Akar said: “These are done to reduce tension. On the contrary, they know that they increase tension and that what they are doing is wrong. The statements made, the language, the attitude, the style used are not correct at all, they do not serve dialogue or peace, nor do they contribute to stability “. used expressions.

“We are here to dialogue”

Turkey is doing so in the region, emphasizing that it fully complies with international law and maritime law Akar said:

France believes that it can do anything it can think of. Not only is the Eastern Mediterranean sufficient, but it also makes some statements in Iraq. None of these are things that contribute to the spirit of alliance, peace, or dialogue. They are purely emotional initiatives and you have to know that they will have no consequences. “NATO is brain dead.” You say, on the other hand, NATO will hide behind the EU, will say freedom on the one hand our prophet insult, can not tolerate even in a journalist an innocent question on the other side. This is hypocrisy, riyakarlı a. We need everyone to see it. We dialogue in Turkey, We are in favor of peace, equity, cooperation and good neighborly relations that must be carried out within the framework of international relations.

On the other hand, let everyone know that we will never give our rights, our law. We continue to do our job, but we are also here to dialogue. “

At the end of his words, Akar gratefully recalled to the martyrs and veterans, “The Turkish Armed Forces, also known as the home of the Prophet and emerging from the bosom of this nation, in the light of reason and science, according to the Constitution and the laws, in line with the instructions of our President, ‘If I die a martyr, if I remain a veteran’ He is at the disposal of his nation, at the head of his duty, facing difficulties. No one should have doubts about it. ” I speak.
