Latest Chinese vaccine situation (Brazil to announce results in 15 days) – Health News


Brazilian authorities, clinical trials earlier this week completed a Chinese pharmaceutical company, Sinovac Biotech has developed in Turkey in experiments done “coronavac”, a new type called corona virus vaccine candidate (Covidien-19) is effective, but the results of the trial of the third phase of the Chinese company, the vaccine announced that it wanted more time to explain simultaneously with other countries where it was tried.

According to the Brazilian press, Dimas Covas, director of the Bhutantan Institute, with whom Sinovac collaborated for the trials and production of the Covid-19 vaccine in Brazil, and the Secretary of Health of the state of Sao Paulo, Jean Gorinchteyn, made statements on Monday about the CoronaVac vaccine, whose third phase the latest trials were completed.

Covas, director of the Bhutantan Institute, said that CoronaVac has reached the threshold of effectiveness that will allow its immediate use in the country, and that the results of the final trials of the 3rd phase, which should be announced today, ask for an additional 15 days because the Sinovac company must simultaneously release the results of the vaccine that it has tested in other countries.

Underlining that the delay in the release of test results is a requirement of the agreement signed with Sinovac, Covas said: “Due to the agreement we have made with Sinovac, these results require simultaneous disclosure.”


Sao Paulo Health Secretary Gorinchteyn also stated that CoronaVac’s effectiveness rate exceeds the 50 percent threshold that the World Health Organization considers the lower limit for a vaccine candidate to be immunized, and that this it is “something to celebrate”.

Explaining that the CoronaVac efficiency rate measured by the Bhutantan Institute showed different results from other countries, Gorinchteyn claimed that the results of the 3rd phase experiment were not announced due to this conflict.

Gorinchteyn pointed out that the vaccine can be approved by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Authority (ANVISA) with the data they have, adding that they will comply with the procedures that are part of the commercial agreements and the results will be released simultaneously.

Saying that the vaccination plan continues as it is, Gorinchteyn said: “The vaccine is produced here at the Bhutantan Institute factory and we will start our vaccination program for the state of Sao Paulo on January 25.”

In order for Anvisa to approve the use of CoronaVac, the results of the final test of the third phase were expected to be announced on December 15, but this date has been postponed to December 23.

Experiments of the vaccine candidate in humans in Brazil began in late July in collaboration with the Bhutantan Institute, which conducts biological research in the São Paulo state country. The candidate vaccine experiments, which were tested on 13,000 volunteers across the country, were stopped on November 10 and restarted on November 12 due to an unexpected side effect. The state of Sao Paulo has agreed with the Chinese pharmaceutical company to transfer the technology necessary for the production of the vaccine to the Bhutantan Institute, in addition to receiving 46 million doses of vaccine if successful.

Coronavac clinical trials, as well as those in Turkey and Brazil, are being conducted in Indonesia.

With more than 188 thousand deaths from Covid-19 and more than 7.3 million cases, Brazil is the third country most affected by the epidemic in the world.

