Last minute… Will schools stay open? Quick words from the Minister of National Education


Responding to journalists’ questions, the Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk, said: “The decisions that we know about the opening of schools depend on the work of a delegation under the presidency of our president, in line with the recommendations of the Scientific Committee We always say that this is a dynamic process. It is dynamic both globally and nationally. Every day the tests that are working for the Ministry of Health revealed that our efforts, the science of our people, our doctors, our efforts of nurses, They are heading towards the best that it is showing. It was a great effort, we are very aware of this effort. We are looking at the world, we are looking at Turkey. In this context, depending on the process of this dynamic trend, of course we are willing to take new decisions, new approaches and new measures, we are working hard with our friends to put all of this into practice. ” said.


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Stating that his desire is to keep all classes open at all levels, Minister Selçuk continued his speech as follows:

“The issue of schools is a decision that we have made consulting together and making evaluations. How the course will be carried out in the next period will be evaluated entirely based on the data. Therefore, we do not have the opportunity to say what it will be this month a long time ago, this month will be this month. Depending on these evaluations, which classes will be opened in what way, our wish is of course to keep the school open and as an institution related to education, of course, we want our children to are in the classroom. Our desire is to open all classes at all levels. We have to look at the data when making this decision. Of course, we will consult on new decisions, taking into account the data provided by “.


Minister Selçuk said he visited schools without warning: “I have been visiting schools for months, I am visiting classrooms without knowing it, I am very satisfied with the behavior of our children and their efforts. We can easily handle the process with very little warning and very little attention”. Of course, we show the warning to comply with mask, distance, cleaning conditions in an adaptive-based educational way. We have repeatedly revealed this in our adaptation studies. But my main assessment is about adults. We adults are much more careful and on an issue that concerns the future of our children on such a delicate issue. We have to be careful, we have to be more careful with masks and cleanliness, to keep schools open and so that our children do not experience learning loss, for the future of this country, for the good of our children. “
