Last minute | What is Dornase Alpha? Price of Dornase Alfa, drugs containing Dornase Alfa


The number of people who lost their lives due to the new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19) exceeded 140 thousand. In light of these developments, countries are making great efforts to find vaccines in the fight against the virus. Although the sudden developments related to the coronavirus occur consecutively, Dr. Ercüment Ovalı made an exciting statement within the scope of coronavirus treatment. In Ovalı’s statement, after highlighting Dornaz Alfa, the question “What is Dornaz Alfa” was at the top of the agenda. What is Dornase Alpha? Will Dornase Alpha be used for the treatment of coronavirus? Here are the details.

Professor Dr. Description by Ercüment Ovalı

“We were going to announce the name of a drug that we’ve been working in the lab for 1 month on April 23, but it seems so effective that it can save people’s lives. We didn’t want to steal people’s lives. Dornase should be brought to clinical trials in treating alpha patients right away. Thanks to my heroes. “

What is Dornase Alpha?

Dornase is a highly purified solution of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I (rhDNase), an enzyme that selectively breaks down alpha DNA. Dornase alpha hydrolyzes DNA in the sputum / mucus of patients with cystic fibrosis and reduces the viscosity in the lungs and provides better clearance of secretions.

Dornase alfa (recombinant human DNase) is the recombinant form of the enzyme human DNase I, therefore it is also known as “recombinant human DNase” (rhDNase). This drug has been developed to protect or improve lung function by breaking down large amounts of free DNA released by necrotic neutrophils into the mucus of CF patients, reducing viscoelasticity of respiratory tract secretions, increasing clearance of the mucus and reduces the frequency and severity of respiratory infections.

Coronavirus balance worldwide

According to the “Worldometer” website, where data has been collected on new cases in countries and regions with coronaviruses, the number of people who lost their lives due to Kovid-19 has reached 141 thousand 913, and the number of cases has reached to 2 million 118 thousand 713. On the other hand, according to the website “Worldometer”, where data on new cases was compiled in countries and regions seen in Kovid-19, 543 thousand 280 people in the world managed to defeat the virus.

Who Is Ercüment Ovalı?

Hematology Specialist Dr. Name ercüment Ovali after March 11, so he was heard frequently seeing the start of the coronavirus outbreak in Turkey. Scientist Ercüment Ovalı, who has done many important studies for many years, is now making a noise with his studies on the coronavirus. Although Ercüment Ovalı was enthusiastically followed by the public with his colleagues against the virus, it was also a curiosity that this valuable scientist raised by our country. Here, the professor continues his scientific studies in a private hospital. Dr. Those curious about Ercüment Ovalı …

He was born in the Babaeski district of Kırklareli in 1961. He completed his medical education at the Hacettepe University School of Medicine at the University of May 19 in 1985, and his specialization in Internal Medicine at the same university in 1991 at the Medical School. from the Marmara University in 1997.

Ovalı, who began his academic life in 1992 with internal KTU diseases, became an associate professor in 1994 and a professor in 1999. Acting as a professor in the Hematology Department of the Black Sea Technical University, after December 1, 2010 , became the Responsible Manager of the Acıbadem Labcell cell laboratory and the Kordon blood bank. He has more than 370 publications, 59 of which are articles abroad, and the citation rate for his international publications is 2.5.

He has been working on the development and clinical application of cell therapy products for the past 18 years. Firstly, he worked as head of the KTÜ Bone Marrow Transplantation Center between 1998-2007. During this period, he served as a member of the Bone Marrow Transplantation Commission of the Ministry of Health and as president of the Coordination Board of the Cord Blood Banks.

After 2003, he worked as a project coordinator in the establishment of our country’s first GMP laboratory in Trabzon on behalf of KTÜ, and after 2007, he brought to our country 14 different cell treatment products, mainly Mezenkimal root cells, such as the First responsible manager with a production site license under GMP conditions.

Since December 1, 2010, Acıbadem Healthcare Group Hospitals have been GMP and Cell Therapy Product Consultants, Responsible Manager and Tissue Typing Laboratories, and are working at the Acıbadem Kozyatağı Bone Marrow Transplantation Center .

Among his important studies, in addition to TCR alpha beta screening in semi-compatible transplants, he showed that APC depletion caused a 50% reduction in transplant mortality and complications in a series of 19 diseases.

Another important ongoing study is that, for the first time in the world, a patient with DMD showed that allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells from the umbilical cord and the healthy dystrophin gene can be transplanted.

He is married and has 2 children.
