Last minute … Were school exams canceled or postponed? How will the written exams and? Minister Selçuk announced the details


School exams have become one of the most curious subjects as schools have started the process of distance education. With the statement made by President Erdogan after the cabinet meeting on November 17, it was a matter of curiosity how the schools, which were announced to continue their distance education process until the semester break, would handle the examination process. . So are school exams postponed and how will they be written? Here is information on that topic.


After the distance education decision was made, eyes turned to school exams. In the statement made by the Minister of National Education Selçuk, details about the exams have been revealed. In the statement made, it was indicated that “from Friday, November 20 to Monday, January 4, we will continue our formal, private, formal and non-formal education activities with distance education.”

The statement of the Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk, is as follows:

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In accordance with the decision made at the cabinet meeting chaired by our President in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Scientific Committee of Coronavirus in order not to be affected by the rebound in the course of the epidemic in the world and in our country , from Friday, November 20 to Monday, January 4. We will continue all formal, private, formal and non-formal education activities through distance education.

All preschool institutions, kindergartens, elementary, middle and high schools, special education schools and classes, applied courses in vocational secondary schools and special education courses under our Ministry will be within this scope. Nor will there be face-to-face training in support and training courses and reinforcement courses. “Individual trainings” in rehabilitation and special education centers within the scope of the special education law with number 5580 can be conducted face to face.

The schedules of the weekly distance education courses will be shared with our students and parents by our teachers under the coordination of our school administrations. Our school administrators and teachers will structure the distance education processes in the new semester according to the course subjects and the curriculum they teach with their students during the semester break. During this period, we will be with our students with our TRT EBA channels, our live classroom applications, EBA internet platform, print and digital auxiliary resources.

There will be no face-to-face or remote exams until December 31, 2020, the planning of the exams will be done separately according to the course of the epidemic process and will be made known to our students through our school administrations and teachers. Our students will be responsible for the educational curriculum, which is carried out in person and with distance education.

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With the new academic year, we will send the weekly course programs of the TRT EBA Kindergarten / Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate channels, where 812 teachers work in 112 branches and 1,653 lesson videos are prepared and transmitted in 13 studios, to the mobile phones of our 18 million students via text messaging service. Our course broadcasts will continue to show three times a day to allow our students to compensate and reinforce.

In addition, we have previously shared with them that we have delivered 60 thousand tablets sent through public institutions and organizations, local administrations, private sector organizations and civil initiatives to our students with priority needs in accordance with the distribution strategy that we prepare in light of the official data. Our distributions continue simultaneously with support campaigns and acquisition processes. We will have delivered 30 thousand tablets to our students in 10 days. The process of acquiring 500 thousand tablets that we will distribute and we will have delivered to our students by the end of the year was completed. With the support of our stakeholders, we aim to reach all of our students in need as soon as possible.

Live classroom applications, which have served 49 million 768 thousand course hours since March 23, 2020, when we began distance education, will actively serve during this period. With the integration of the EBA live class and alternative applications into our system, we have the capacity to deliver around 2 million lessons per day. Live class hours will be notified to our students and parents by our teachers.

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Acquiring the title of the world’s most visited educational website with 9.1 billion clicks, our EBA Internet portal serves our students with more than 1,700 lessons and more than 40,000 rich, trustworthy and interactive content. At EBA, our teachers and students are presented with video or interactive narratives, exercises, summaries, infographics, project documents, specific content for teachers, more than 5,000 books and more than 240,000 questions.

We continue to work to adapt the exam curriculum to the distance learning process for our students preparing for core exams. Details will be shared with the public next week.

In this process, our teachers will continue their work remotely and will be able to come to our schools to receive distance education and benefit from tools such as computers and cameras. Our branch teachers, on the other hand, have to work at least a week to be able to follow and coordinate the distance education process.

They will come to our schools for 1 day. Our teachers will continue to receive additional tuition fees during the distance education process.

In the Orientation and Research Centers, face-to-face services will continue to be provided to those who will be diagnosed for the first time. In this process, requests submitted through November 18, 2020 for inter-school transfer requests will be processed, and no new requests will be received until December 31, 2020.

We are in a process in which we need to unite with our parents, teachers, school administrators, and the entire educational family for the confidence, peace, happiness, and success of our students. It is our greatest desire to restart our gradual transition to face-to-face education, where we take our measures at the highest level based on hygiene standards, and even design our children’s non-contact games in school gardens and classrooms. We would love not to let us take this break, even we know our schools with all grades as in the vast majority of countries in the world. However, we had to make that decision due to the conditions in the country. Of course, we keep repeating our call: “We need everyone’s support, please follow the rules” for the future of our children. According to the table for the last week of December, we will share with the public our planning and calendar for the gradual transition to face-to-face education in our schools.

I would also like to inform you that we are ready to answer all the questions of our citizens about distance education with our EBA Assistant 24/7, MEB Assistant and call center 44 0 632 MEBİM “.

On the other hand, the education manager of the Hürriyet newspaper, Nuran Çakmakçı, gave the following details about the exams in his column published last month;

“I came across different scenarios with the information I got about school exams that will be face to face due to the pandemic.

The first scenario is as follows: The ministry will follow a flexible schedule, especially in elementary and middle schools, in grading applied courses such as music, physical education, and painting. In these classes, grades will most likely be given for homework, not classroom tests. The second scenario is as follows: in academic courses such as math, science, Turkish and foreign languages, there will be a face-to-face written exam. As always, it is essential to have at least two exams in these courses.

One of the scenarios that are discussed in the corridors of the Ministry is that one of the two exams of these academic courses is carried out in person at the school. Qualify the second exam as a performance or project. The goal here is to provide comfort to disadvantaged groups. “

It is not yet known what the final decision will look like after the distance education decision until the end of the year.
