Last Minute: The time allotted to social media companies is over! 30 million TL fined each …


After going through the social networks of Twitter in Turkey, the arrangement of the Grand National Assembly, Facebook, etc. TikTok. Social media companies assumed the obligation of representation in Turkey with more than 1 million users.

While the time allotted to the companies has expired, no request or communication has yet been made. On this, the first fine of 10 million TL was fined according to the article of the law. The companies received 1 more month. When the companies did not take a step within the legal period of 1 month, this time, 30 million TL were fined according to the article of the law.

Companies pay a fine of £ 30 million, the advertising agency dilemma they receive from the provider of the social network required by law in Turkey, natural and legal persons that taxpayers will be banned in Turkey for three months. Existing contracts will continue, the provider will not be able to enter into a new advertising contract. In the event that the provider has not yet appointed a representative, the Information Technology Authority (BTK) will apply to the Criminal Peace Court. The court may impose a 50 percent band reduction penalty in the first stage. If the judges’ demands are not met within thirty days, a 90 percent band reduction penalty may be imposed.


President Erdogan delivered a speech at the recently attended Global TRT Forum and drew attention to the lack of control on social media. President Erdogan had stated that the lack of control on social media led to fascism.

President Erdogan used the following statements:

Technology, like everything else in life, exists to facilitate human life. Digitization, which sees people as a whole with their material and spiritual existence, will bring good results for all of us. However, when it is perceived as an area outside the law, where there is no control, open to arbitrariness, digitization will lead us to fascism. Therefore, digitization should not lead to new injustices, injustices and new marginalization while expanding the scope of freedom. Unlimited freedom creates a completely uncontrolled area under this title, causing new grievances.

This situation, in which even the current legal system is sometimes insufficient, opens the door to psychological and social problems, especially cyberbullying. Victims often do not find an interlocutor to present their complaints or a legal means to claim their rights. The name of an order in which the perpetrator of evil and the perpetrator of crime get their way cannot be called freedom. The well-intentioned steps that states have taken to protect their citizens are intended to leave the supports for the intervention of freedoms. It is a time in Turkey to express the injustices that occurred on this issue, no one. We emphasize that no company is above the law. With a legal regulation that came into effect in recent months, we made it mandatory for social media companies to have representatives in our country. In doing so, we act considering the freedom-security balance within the framework of the authority granted to us by international law. Our goal is to protect our citizens, especially our children, who are more vulnerable than adults. Our hope is that these institutions, which are considered outside the law, will voluntarily support the well-intentioned efforts of our country. Otherwise, Turkey will continue to protect the law of citizens in all circumstances.


According to the new regulation, every outsourced daily access social media provider from Turkey to more than 1 million must have a representative in Turkey. Social media tools like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are included in the definition of social media provider in the law. The first step in the social media providers that does not contain representatives in Turkey, 10 million pounds of administrative fine to be cut. If a representative is not appointed within the 30-day waiting period, a fine of Lire 30 million will be imposed. In the next stage, the receipt of advertisements from natural and legal persons who are contributors of social media providers will be prohibited in Turkey for three months. Existing contracts will continue, the provider will not be able to enter into a new advertising contract. In the event that the provider has not yet appointed a representative, the Information Technology Authority (BTK) will apply to the Criminal Peace Court. The court may impose a 50 percent band reduction penalty in the first stage. If the judges’ demands are not met within thirty days, a 90 percent band reduction penalty may be imposed.

The decisions of the judges in question will be sent to BTK to be notified to the access providers. If the court decides to narrow the band, the access providers will be obliged to comply with this decision within 4 hours. With the new regulation, users of social networks will have the right to be forgotten. If the person believes that there has been a grievance or a violation of personal rights or privacy, they can apply to the representative of the social network provider without going to court. Whether the representative responds positively or negatively within 48 hours, the negative response must be justified. In case of violation of the user’s personality rights, if the representative does not receive a response within 48 hours, the provider of the social network will be fined 5 million TL. In addition, the representative office must report complaints every 6 months. In case of non-reporting for six months, an administrative fine of 10 million lira will be imposed.
