Last minute … The proposal to avoid the financing of massive firearms accepted


At the request of the government or the Ministry of the Interior, a decision can be made to block access to the content related to said activities, at the request of the government or the Ministry of the Interior, in order to avoid the unauthorized collection of aid. on the Internet and the abuse of the feeling of solidarity in society.

With the Law Proposal to Prevent the Financing of the Propagation of Weapons of Mass Destruction approved in the General Assembly of Parliament, the amount of administrative fines for those who collect aid without permission is increased.

If it is determined that the unauthorized aid collection activity is carried out on the Internet, the corresponding governorate or the Ministry of the Interior will provide the content or accommodation provider to the content or accommodation provider, email or other means of communication about the information obtained from Internet pages, domain name, IP address and similar sources. you will be notified with.

If the content is not removed within 24 hours at the latest, information about the content and the hosting provider cannot be obtained, or if notifications can be made for technical reasons, the relevant governorate or the Ministry of the Interior will request the criminal justice of the peace who decides to block access to content in the Internet environment. The judge will decide on the request within 24 hours at the latest without holding a hearing and will send it directly to the Information Technology and Communications Authority for action. This decision can be appealed in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The decision to block access will be made by blocking access to the content.


Authorities authorized to audit and grant permits will be empowered to request relevant information and documents from public institutions and organizations, individuals and legal entities, including banks, limited to the subject within the scope of the supervisory duty. Those who are requested cannot avoid giving information and documents proposing written provisions in special laws.


Those who collect aid without permission will be fined from 5 thousand Turkish lira to 100 thousand Turkish lira. If unauthorized aid is collected on the Internet, administrative fines of 10 thousand Turkish liras to 200 thousand Turkish liras will be imposed. Those who provide a place and opportunity for the collection of unauthorized aid will be penalized with an administrative fine of 5 thousand Turkish lira if they do not stop this activity despite being warned. Also, real people will need to form a responsible board of at least three people for the fundraising activity.

Administrative fines of 5 thousand Turkish lira to 100 thousand Turkish lira will be imposed on responsible board members who provide assistance abroad in violation of the determined procedures and principles.

Those who do not provide the requested information and documents will be fined from 5,000 Turkish lira to 20,000 Turkish lira. If this offense occurs within the body of public institutions and agencies, disciplinary measures will be taken against those who work in the relevant public institutions and agencies, regardless of their type of employment, and the result will be notified to the competent authority.

Those who collect unauthorized aid by placing boxes in certain places with receipt, opening accounts in banks, issuing aid stamps, organizing merchandise lotteries, cultural shows and exhibitions, organizing sporting events, excursions and entertainment or using systems that process information automatically or electronics, despite being warned. If you do not stop this activity, you will be fined from 5 thousand Turkish lira to 20 thousand Turkish lira.

Those who collect aid outside the place authorized by the authority to give the permit will be sanctioned with an administrative fine of 5,000 Turkish liras to 20,000 Turkish liras if they do not terminate this activity despite being warned.

Those who act against the other provisions of this law will be fined 1000 Turkish lira if their actions do not constitute a crime.


The authority that gives permission to collect the aid will be authorized to decide on the administrative sanctions. In the event of unauthorized aid collection, the governor will decide on administrative sanctions. The governor may delegate this authority to the lieutenant governors or district governors.


The Center for foundations operating in Turkey and abroad as foreign associations to eliminate doubts about the scope of the law was amended in the Order Law of Associations.

Those convicted of crimes within the scope of the Law for the Prevention of Terrorism Financing and of the production and trade of drugs or stimulants included in the Turkish Penal Code, or for laundering property values ​​derived from crimes, may not work in the organs associations other than the general assembly. The duties of those convicted of these crimes will end after being elected to the association’s bodies. If the decision is made to return the prohibited rights, these provisions will not apply.

In order to ensure that the audits of the associations are carried out periodically, it is expected that the audits will be carried out by public personnel annually, not more than three years, according to risk assessments.

Except for the civil inspectors of the Ministry of the Interior and the auditors of associations, the amount of the fee to be paid to the public officials who will be assigned in the inspections will be determined jointly by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance and Finance and will be covered with the budget of the Ministry of the Interior.

Those assigned to the audit will have the power to request relevant information and documents from public institutions and organizations, individuals and legal entities, including banks, limited to the subject within the scope of the audit function. Those who are requested cannot avoid giving information and documents proposing written provisions in special laws.

If requested by the Ministry of the Interior or the local authority, all types of facilities, institutions and associations belonging to the associations and associations will be inspected by the relevant ministries and organizations, limited to their areas of competence.

During the audit, in cases where technical expertise or experience is required, the Ministry of the Interior, governorates and district governments may appoint an expert.


Foreign Assistance Association Law through a transparent and responsible manner of execution, also in order to take the necessary measures in the field of assets derived from money laundering and the fight against terrorist financing, the notification of the efforts so that foreign aid from Turkey is based on the principle. Consequently, the aid that is made abroad will be notified to the local administrative authority by the associations before they are granted. The form and content of the notification and the procedures and principles in relation to aid to be carried out abroad will be provided in the regulations.

In the event of prosecution against those who work in bodies other than the general assembly of the association or the relevant personnel for crimes within the scope of the Law on the prevention of terrorism financing and the production and trade of drugs or stimulants included in the Penal Code of Turkey, or for laundering of real estate values ​​derived from crimes, or the bodies where these people work can be suspended by the Minister of the Interior as a temporary measure.

If this measure is not sufficient and its delay is inconvenient, the Minister of the Interior may temporarily suspend the association and immediately request it from the court. The court will issue its decision on the temporary suspension of the activity within 48 hours. Interested parties may always request the removal of the temporary suspension of the activity. The court will decide on the application without delay.


With the law, administrative sanctions are reordered and the amount of sanctions is increased in order to provide a deterrent to more effectively fight against the laundering of property values ​​derived from the financing of crime and terrorism.

Consequently, if the books and documents that it is mandatory to keep become illegible or are lost, those who do not go to the competent court of the place where the association’s headquarters are located within 15 days from the date of learning or not They can present this document during the audit, prison from 3 months to a year or judicial money. will be punished with punishment.

Those who receive help from people, institutions and organizations abroad without prior notification to the local administrative authority will be fined from 5,000 Turkish lira to 100,000 Turkish lira.

In the event that the required documents are not presented during the inspection, an administrative fine of 5 thousand Turkish lira to 20 thousand Turkish lira will be imposed. However, if this infraction occurs within the body of public institutions and bodies, prior notification made by the authorized authority, disciplinary measures will be taken against those who work in the corresponding institution and public body, and the result will be notified to the authority. competent.

The association executives who do not make income, charges, expenses and payments in excess of 7 thousand Turkish liras through banks and other financial institutions or PTT will be fined up to 10 percent of the amount subject to the transaction for each transaction.

An administrative fine of 1500 Turkish lira will be imposed on those who have reached the age of 15, but who have established or become members of children’s associations without the written consent of their legal representatives, and those who do not cease in their functions within 7 days despite the written warning. In case these people are not fired within 30 days despite the second written warning made by the local administrative authority, the court may decide to dissolve the association at the request of the prosecutor or an individual.
