LAST MINUTE | Middle and high school 6. 7. 10. 11. When will grades go to school? What MoNE and the schools …


Classes will be divided into groups according to social distance according to the size of the student, the time of each lesson will be 30 minutes and the rest time between lessons will be 10 minutes.


Courses in Turkish, mathematics, science, social studies, foreign language, religious culture and moral knowledge in 5th grade of secondary school; Imam Hatip High School will teach Turkish, math, science, social studies, foreign languages, religious culture and moral knowledge, the Quran, and Arabic lessons through face-to-face education.

Since ninth grade students are responsible for all core, elective, and vocational courses shown in the weekly course schedule, courses determined by the school administration must be completed through face-to-face education and remaining courses through distance education .

For face-to-face education, written consent will be obtained from parents who do not want to send their children to school and students who do not attend school will not be considered absent, but students who are not sent to school by their parents will continue their lessons. with distance education.

Students will be responsible for the curriculum of the class they attend and will participate in the assessment and evaluation of all subjects and achievements.
