LAST MINUTE! Mesut Yılmaz dies | Video


Mesut Yılmaz, a former prime minister and former president of the Fatherland Party, died in a private hospital where he was treated. Yilmaz, 73, had been receiving treatment for 2 months.

Yilmaz had first undergone lung surgery and then brain surgery during his hospitalization. He did not leave Yılmaz alone for a moment with his wife, sons and daughter.

Speaking to CNN TÜRK reporter Ceylan Sever, Mesut Yılmaz’s wife, Berna Yılmaz, stated that the details of the funeral ceremony will be announced in the next few hours.


Ahmet Mesut Yılmaz was born on November 6, 1947 in Istanbul. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Economics and Finance in 1971. He did his Master’s degree at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne, Germany. He worked as a manager in the private sector, he worked in the industrial sector.

As a founding member of the Fatherland Party in 1983, Yılmaz became the vice president of the European Democratic Union. Two works by Yılmaz have been published in German and English.

Mesut Yılmaz is a deputy from Rize in terms of terms 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21. He served as minister of state and minister of culture and tourism in government 45, as minister of foreign affairs in governments 46 and 47, as first minister in governments 48, 53 and 55, and as minister of state and deputy prime minister in government 57.

Yılmaz served as president of the Fatherland Party from 1991 to 2002.

Yilmaz, who is married with two children, one of whom died in 2017, underwent brain surgery on May 5.
