Last minute … Lightning statement of Minister Dönmez for the national car


Highlights of the statements of the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Dönmez:

With the Kovid-19 outbreak, domestic production and countries’ efforts to create their own self-sufficiency have become more important than ever. Now we have to make sure that the technology is local as well as a resource.

According to the development of the energy sector and the market, we aim to offer the forward electricity market, also known as the future-dated physical delivery electricity market, serving participants in 2021. “

A total of 9 deepwater drilling has been conducted with our Fatih and Yavuz drillships at locations determined by our seismic research vessels, and deepwater drilling is in progress.

Before our domestic electric car leaves the TOGG band, we will have largely completed our charging infrastructure works.

We will resolutely continue our exploration and drilling activities in the Black Sea together with this region without compromising our legitimate rights under international law in the Eastern Mediterranean basin.
