LAST MINUTE KORONA CASE NUMBER: Has the coronavirus table been announced on December 25? The Health Minister explains Koca!


The husband of the Minister of Health, Fahrettin, was informed on Monday morning that the coronavirus vaccine will arrive in Turkey. Citizens are investigating the current picture of the coronavirus, the case, the death and the number of patients every day. 195 thousand 675 in Turkey in the last 24 hours the Kovid-19 test was carried out, 18 thousand 102 people tested positive, 254 people died in Turkey Coronavirus Day Table, “” shared the address. So the coronavirus chart was announced on December 25? Here’s the last minute corona case and the death toll …


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announces the current coronavirus table every day after 7:00 p.m.


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, December 24 Statement from Turkey’s Coronavirus Journal published yesterday.

Minister Koca said in a statement;

“We have 3,218 new patients detected today. The decrease in the number of active cases continues. We have received the good news that the vaccine will be effective. Now is the time to better protect ourselves until we get vaccinated and see its effect. Let’s get ready for the good guys. days with caution. ” said.


In the last 24 hours, the number of people recovering from the Kovid-19 treatment / quarantine of 33 thousand 985 people increased to 1 million 935 thousand 292. The total of examinations reached 23 million 225 thousand 837, the number of cases was 2 million 100 thousand 712, the number of deaths was 19 thousand 115, the number of serious patients was 4 thousand 805.

According to weekly data, this week the pneumonia rate in patients is 4.1 percent, the bed occupancy rate is 50.8 percent, the adult intensive care occupancy rate is 68.2 percent. percent, the fan occupancy rate is 40 percent, the average contact detection time is 10 hours, and the radiation rate is 99 percent. It amounted to 9.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca shared the following about the daily data from his Twitter account:

“We have 3,218 new patients detected today. The decrease in the number of active cases continues. We have received the good news that the vaccine will be effective. Now is the time to better protect ourselves until we get vaccinated and see its effect. Let’s get ready to good morning with caution. “

Koca made a statement to the press and answered questions after the Coronavirus Scientific Committee Meeting at the Bilkent Campus of the Ministry of Health.

To date, 325 people per million inhabitants have died from this disease in Germany. Attempting to implement herd immunity, 789 people died in Sweden, 984 in the US, which reached the highest number of cases and deaths, and 994 people died in England, which was put on the agenda with the claim that it was observed a mutation in the virus. The number of deaths per million inhabitants in Turkey has reached 216 while “.

Koca pointed out that the number of daily cases in the world was around 80 thousand during the first peak of April, and now it has reached 700 thousand with an increase of almost 9 cards, “however, the number of daily deaths, which was around 8,500 in the first peak in mid-April, is now 14 with an increase of 70 percent. Recently, countries like the United Kingdom have been trying to explain the uncontrolled increase in cases by linking the mutation of the virus. ” found the evaluation.

Recalling that England announced that the mutation caused the virus to spread more rapidly, Koca said: “It should be known that this mutation has been present since September.” said.

Stating that regular mutations investigations always continue, Koca said: “Be of good cheer, even if the virus spreads faster, measures are still our most effective weapon.” used the expression.

Recalling that the WHO has announced that this situation will not negatively affect vaccination studies, Koca said that new, incomplete or unfounded news about the vaccine is disseminated every day, and said that he wants to explain once again why the inactivated vaccine is preferred .

Explaining that in the inactivated vaccine, which is the oldest vaccine method, the virus reproduced in the appropriate environment is killed and injected into the body for recognition, Koca continued his words as follows:

“This is a method that we have experienced before and we are sure of its benefit, it is a basic rule. The experienced does not need to be experienced again. Furthermore, three of the ongoing vaccination studies in our country are inactivated vaccines. This is important and valuable for the continuation of the vaccination program. In our country, our 2 adenovirus-based candidate vaccines have reached the stage of human experiments. Similarly, a vaccine based on virus-like particles is in the human trial stage. “

Her husband, vaccinated by stating that one of the topics that most interest in the future of Turkey, said:

“The vaccine now in the Turkish people, we are sure it is effective and reliable. This is good news, I want to decorate more new news. So that the vaccine doses that are sent to the Chinese authorities in Turkey have completed the process of approval. Ready in the manufacturer’s warehouse, our vaccine waiting for the next news, at least one mishap goes live the night that connects the market with Monday. “

Minister Koca stated that the protection of the vaccine was 91.25 percent in the initial period and that it will gradually increase.

Stating that vaccination will start from health workers, approximately 9 million people will be vaccinated in the first stage, “I can say that we have the opportunity to vaccinate up to 1.5 or even 2 million a day.” said.

The husband reported that they are currently not considering a new travel restriction, except in the UK, Denmark and South Africa.

Stating that five additional vaccines related to domestic vaccine studies have reached the human study phase, three of them are inactivated vaccines and that the adenovirus study is also in doubt, Koca stated that one or two of them will begin studies phase within the next month.

Koca said: “Apart from this our vaccine, which is inactive, has completed Phase 1, it will be done with 200 people in Phase 2. Phase 1 was done with 44 people, you know, Phase 2 will be done with 200 people. I can say that the health tests of the volunteers have started. ” said.

Her husband stressed the importance of the inactivated vaccine, but the Pfizer vaccine and this in close cooperation with two Turkish scientists due to human science developed the biontech vaccine that they want to implement in Turkey. The husband continued as follows:

Until the end of March, 4.5 million and optionally up to 30 million in January, and at the latest in February, we will have discussed that this may be the case. Therefore, by the end of March 4.5 million, the contract details of up to 30 million optional vaccines. It will be signed no later than tonight or tomorrow. We will also ensure that this vaccine is used as widely as possible in this process. “

Stating that the SinoVac vaccine will come as 3 million doses in the first plan, and that a contract containing a total of 50 million doses was signed by the end of February, Koca said: “We will have bought the cheapest Sinovac and Pfizer vaccines that the world. we are meeting. “gave the information.

Emphasizing that they are not in favor of making the vaccine mandatory like the Scientific Committee, Koca said: “We believe that this vaccine should be made by convincing. If we can convince our citizens to the point of vaccination with the least side effects, reliable and high efficiency, I think everyone will have this vaccine. ” I’ll be one of the ones with the vaccine, “he said.


In India, one of the countries most affected by the new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19), the number of daily cases exceeded 20 thousand and in South Korea 1,200. In China, the epidemic is under control.

According to the statement made by the Indian Ministry of Health, 23,690 new cases were detected in the last 24 hours, the total number of cases increased to 10 million 147 thousand 468, 9 million 717 thousand 834 infected recovered.

With the death of 336 more people in the country in the last 24 hours, the number of people who died from the virus rose to 147,992.

According to the “Worldometers” website, where the Kovid-19 data were collected, India is “the second country with the highest number of cases in the world and the third country with the highest number of deaths from the virus.”


According to the statement from the South Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in the last 24 hours, 1,241 new cases were detected, of which 25 originated abroad, and the total number of cases increased to 54,770.

17 people died in the last 24 hours, the total number of people who died from the virus reached 773.

To date, 38 thousand 48 infected have been recovered.

Health officials said that just yesterday 118,000 tests were carried out in the country as the number of cases increased.


According to a statement from the National Health Commission of China (NCH), in the last 24 hours, 14 new cases of Kovid-19 have been detected, 7 of which are of national origin, in mainland China.

While domestic cases were found in Liaoning province, there was no loss of life due to the virus in the past 24 hours.

In China, where Kovid-19 appeared, 86,913 cases have so far been seen, 4,634 people have died, and 81,959 people have been recovered.

