Last minute … Important statements by President Erdogan


Highlights of President Erdogan’s Statements;

Erdogan began his speech at the opening ceremony of the Roketsan Satellite Launch, Space Systems and Advanced Technologies Research Center and the Explosive Commodity Production Facility held at the Roketsan Lalahan Campus by congratulating the Roketsan employees and the entire was born on August 30, Victory Day.

Remembering the founder of the Republic, the Commander-in-Chief of the Great Offensive, Gazi Mustafa Kemal and his heroic comrades with gratitude and wishing God’s mercy for the holy martyrs, Erdogan said:

“August 30 is the clearest proof of what a nation can afford for the independence and honor of a nation left with the option of ‘independence or izmihlal’. Just as we protect Malazgirt, which opens the doors of Anatolia to our nation, we take care of the great Victory, which makes this land our eternal home, with the same illusion.

As much as Malazgirt is ours, Çanakkale is ours as much as the conquest of Istanbul, Dumlupınar and Sakarya are ours. All these victories are a seal that we hit this land with the blessed blood of our martyrs. Our history of more than 2,200 years, which we symbolize in our presidential forests, is our greatest source of pride and confidence, especially Seljuk and Ottomans. “

Erdogan pointed out that whoever puts the states, all of which are the continuation of each other, “does not know this nation and its history,” Erdogan said: “Those who are divisive between our common values, those who hide behind a part of our story and denigrate the other, they have a grudge against others to explain the services of Gazi Mustafa Kemal. ” Those who vomit are the poor who lost their ties to this country. It is a whole with its victories and struggles with the historical Turkish states for 2,200 years and its retreat and rise ”. used the expression.


In 2023 to celebrate the centenary of the Republic of Turkey “is not the end of the first state established on this earth as a nation,” he emphasized, Erdogan said:

“Of course we know the real intentions of those who make almost every subject a means of exploitation. We are aware that they do not have problems like the Republic, the nation, the country, like August 30. Praise be to Allah, our nation has never been involved in these tricks and has never given the opportunity to exploit common values. Those who want to turn our people against each other, those who sow a seed of discord in the lands of this country will get the necessary response from our nation. “

Expressing his great happiness at celebrating the 98th anniversary of the Great Victory in such a significant program showing the level of the defense industry, President Erdogan wished that the Roketsan Center for Space Systems and Advanced Technologies Research and the Roketsan Facilities Production of Explosive Raw Materials that they opened were beneficial for the country and the nation. .

“Victories are celebrated with these works, not with words. If you are determined to win, you can sew these works.” Erdogan said that they are still not satisfied with these, and that much more advanced work will come in handy.

Emphasizing that they will too, Erdogan congratulated all the Roketsan institutions and administration for their efforts to put these facilities into service on his behalf and that of the Turkish nation.

Emphasizing that nations that today cannot be strong and independent in the field of defense cannot look to their future with confidence, President Erdogan said: “Especially in a challenging geography like that of our country, it is a strategic and national obligation. for states to have a deterrent defense industry, despite all these developments. We are a nation that comes from such a tradition that it has a strong national and national defense industry. ” said.

Recalling that the Şahi cannons, which Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han personally manufactured, were one of the most advanced weapons of the time weighing up to 18 tons, Erdoğan said: “For many years, the production of Ottoman rifles has been one of the Leading Industries in the World Second Abdülhamit Han’s Istanbul ‘The modern gunpowder, cartridge and cannon factories that he founded in the Republic of Turkey have been inherited by the Republic. There is also a strong buildup behind the arms industry that spread to Anatolia especially in Kırıkkale, during the Republic period. ” I speak.


Erdogan Nouri Demirağ aircraft factory established in Kayseri, Nuri Killigil as a pioneer of the defense industry of the arms factory established in Istanbul expressed that in the current memory, “All these critical projects, miserable period in by the administrators of vizyonsuz have been sabotaged. Literally Turkey. They were deliberately and deliberately sentenced abroad in the defense industry. Those who knocked on the door of our country’s first aircraft factory in 1950 and criticize us for the steps we take in the defense industry today are members of the same superficial mentality. Those who made our tank pallet factory in Sakarya speak this country until 2002. 70 percent depends on foreign brands, but Nuri Demirağ Vecihi Hürkuş a Nuri was Killigil with Turkey, today he would be in a different position in the defense industry.

Today, our country would be among the strongest in the arms and aviation industry, if these projects were not deliberately prevented, much less appropriated. Those who pruned the saplings of the Turkish defense industry not only wasted resources and time, but also stole 60 years from this nation. “

While 62 defense projects were carried out in 2002, today this number has reached 700. We have started around 350 new projects in the last 5 years alone. Today we have reached a project volume of 60 billion dollars, again in this period the number of companies operating in the sector increased from 56 to 1500.

Our continued success depends on constantly raising the bar. At this point, the Presidency of the Defense Industry, its interest groups and organizations have very important duties.

Founded by the late Özal in 1988, ROKETSAN has become one of Mehmetçik’s biggest supporters with the weapons and ammunition it produces.


I need to open a separate support for ATMACA, the first naval missile in our country, with its range of 200 kilometers, ATMACA, which cannot be identified by enemy radars and can follow even if the target moves, has included our country among the 5 countries that can produce anti-ship missiles in the world. As the apple of our army, we will hopefully add ATMACA to the TAF inventory by the end of the year, and it is also a source of pride that many countries are interested in ATMACA and contact us to purchase it.

I congratulate our Ministry of Defense Industry and ROKETSAN for their hard work and hard work in the development of ATMACA.


Our first domestic rocket launched with national technologies exceeded the 130 km limit, exceeding the 100 km limit, which is accepted as a space limit. Thus, Turkey has taken its first steps in space with its own technology.

The “Micro Satellite Launch Project” is one of the most critical studies carried out by the center. When our native satellite is launched into space, it will provide a secure flow of information to our country in times of war and peace.

I would like to break the good news that we will begin the first space trials of the nationally developed liquid fuel rocket engine technology.

On behalf of myself and my nation, I sincerely congratulate our ROKETSAN, who has assumed functions from the bottom of the sea to the depths of space. I would like to express my gratitude to our law enforcement officers who worked with devotion. To live the Republic of Turkey and I want to thank everyone who made an effort to move forward. I congratulate you once again on August 30, Victory Day.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ROKETSAN’s Research Center for Satellite Launch, Space Systems and Advanced Technologies joined the opening ceremony of the explosives raw materials production plant. President Erdogan was accompanied by the Minister of National Defense, Hulusi Akar, and the president of the presidential defense industry, İsmail Demir.
