Last minute: important statements by Minister Soylu


Breaking news… These are the highlights of Minister Soylu’s statements:


Let’s start with good news. It should be the 386th day. In Diyarbakır mothers. In fact, against terrorism in Turkey, the main heart against terrorism in the world is trying to protect her own son. Erkan Akkuş, whom we brought from northern Iraq today with his seventeenth family, will be tomorrow. I called our president before coming. I said that there is such a gathering in the Diyarbakır families. And I spoke to his mother. Of course, this is a great victory against the terrorist organization. A great de facto victory. And all the elements that support terrorism, from the municipality to the political party. I hope we have better news.


Much progress has been made and great effort has been made. The concept against terrorism put forward by our president after July 15 is a completely different concept. Our method of persuasion has passed 700. It is an important step that confuses the terrorist organization, collapses the PKK psychology and reduces trust. This year they were 162. It exceeded 700 in 3 years. Just by persuasion. What are we doing? We contact their families. Because they are always in contact with their families. They are prevented from going to this terrorist organization.


The more we get into the terrorist organization, the more we convince. This year we will complete 200. Because the number of families with whom we come into contact exceeds 8 thousand. We communicate with families one by one. Special trainings were given to the Gendarmerie and the Police. Turkey has developed a new example method for everyone. And she developed a successful method. She made a documentary TRT 1. We have also brought in from leftist terrorist organizations. This year we could bring one. Successful work is being done for all of them. It happened when I was walking in here today. Four more terrorists have been neutralized in Şırnak. We lived in Turkey, what terrorists, we know where it is. In Tendürek, for example, 4 of us stand 5 meters next to each other, we cannot see each other. A very important fight was proposed in Kars in Ağrı. For example, there were no terrorists left in Iğdır, it’s over. Our hands of terrorist organizations in Turkey, Syria, Iraq are being structured. There is a European structuring. We have all the structures of the terrorist organization. The number of terrorists believed to have entered the country was 251 last year.


Now UAV on the one hand, I said a word in the months of January to March 2017, “will hit the big blow to the terrorist organization, it will end” Turkey was able to get the capability of superior technology. I feel honored. No one in the world can use UAV technology better than us. Turkey reveals a magnificent table at this point. When this happens, the intelligence of the field increases. There are many things we do, but they are those that develop within us. Şırnak-Hakkari’s operations are important to us. All of our pashas currently working there volunteered. It wasn’t with the date. I went there to end the terror


Turkey reveals a magnificent table at this point. When this happens, the intelligence of the field increases. There are many jobs that we do, but they are those that are developed within us. Şırnak-Hakkari’s operations are important to us. All of our pashas currently working there volunteered. It wasn’t with the date. It was there to end the terror. They are trying to recruit Manbij, El-Arab, where the PKK is active. They are trying to take children from 13 to 14 years old. They are trying to recruit terrorist children. They went and signed an agreement with the UN. That we will not recruit terrorist children. There is no such agreement anywhere in the world. When we entered 20-25 km, the harassment there decreased. If any information reaches us, we will share it immediately. For example, last night, intelligence came from those places. We share it with the General Staff.


A businessman arrives in Cizre. He wants to establish a textile factory of 500 people. If you saw instability there, would you say I would? It’s not like that. Also, the footwear industry, as well as other sectors. The mines began to work in the region. Mining began to contribute to the energy of Turkey. All of this lifts everyone’s spirits. Children’s dreams soared. You are going to a completely different Turkey. I believe that our economy is in a period of recovery. Turkey’s infrastructure will take a great leap that creates dynamics. Everybody sees this. Today we are building unmanned aerial vehicles, today we are building the Çanakkale bridge. We are in Libya. Would they carry our nose 20-25 km towards Iraq? This is one of the most important points here. There will be a great leap forward in central and southeastern Anatolia, especially in the textile sector.


Your technology has improved a lot. It was way beyond its beginning. As soon as the assailant arrives, our ability to float will be much greater. This will shorten the ability of the terrorist organization to remain in the field. Our intelligence works very well in every way. Very important events are commissioned without a voice that will shake Turkey.


Five years ago, a pilot project was started in Kırıkkale. Then we started in 81 provinces in early 2017. After that, we issued ID cards to 56 million people. This fingerprint was not a local and national chip. From the beginning of the year we will make our own fingerprints with local and national chip. They will get a new identity card, they will go and we will sign a paper for them. They will say that I want to add my license to this. It will install automatically after 4 days. We will upload an electronic signature. We are also conducting interviews to upload SSI information. It is expected that in the first period after January, when our citizens go to the notary with EKDS, their information will be verified with their identity card. Now once again, fraud incidents will be eliminated. Notaries and shopping centers await this EKDS. We can also charge credit cards. But it should be discussed with the banks. Our ministry ranks first among ministries with its electronic application. Turkey in this matter, in quality of service to the citizen, ranked first. So far, 76 thousand people with issuer license identification card to the Republic of Turkey.


We cannot possibly have a personal problem with the Constitutional Court. Of course, it is not correct for the state to accept such a problem from above. We all work for the country. We have to express the point we are facing. I tried to express this in my own style. My language does not hide the thought. Try to express whatever is there. When was the Constitutional Court established now? Who is in the first members. Those who hang Adnan Menderes. He has had many discussions in Turkey. How many years was the veil talked about in Turkey? At the exam, a teacher came and tried to take the handkerchief from our girlfriend in our class. We do not allow it. What did AYM do? Politics tried to break through, AYM canceled it. This means something; We give freedom as much as we want, we restrict it as much as we want. How did December 17-25 arrive in this country? Let someone express themselves. So what is your problem after these? What happened today? You started a cycling discussion. It’s a simple thought to turn around and show the bike and the tweet of the AYM members in PR.


Have there been incidents of moats, barricades, ditches in this country? Hundreds of our children were not martyred? What did they want? They said: Oh state, I’m going to remove your building, instead I’m building a new one here. Who blocked all these rights? PKK. The duty of the state is to maintain public order. Patriotism is everyone’s duty. What did AYM do? He made the following decision: they signed a statement. As academics and researchers in this country, we will not be part of this crime.

Last minute: important statements by Minister Soylu


“This is a deliberate and planned massacre.” Would you accept such a sentence? They say that “the state committed a massacre.” Nobody sorry. Tens of hundreds of children were martyred and became veterans. Was this country easily saved? Take the terms of the negotiation, this is an embarrassing statement. This is a terrorist organization, a statement from the PKK. AYM calls this statement freedom of thought. What are we going to say to those who sacrificed themselves for the existence of this country? If I have 3 words in my mouth, I will say it.


The disaster of knowledge is arrogance. Mevlana also says: Oh my brother, don’t mix sugar and poison. Did the factory worker make July 15 in this country? Who made July 15? Public diplomacy! They entered and infiltrated the state. They sold our country to carry out the occupation movement in Turkey. We made a decision after July 15. Let’s take a man with a security investigation to the state. If we don’t have a problem, we wouldn’t raise it. I’m worried. I take this as a threat. Didn’t this Constitution exist on July 15? How did they attack? They have just captured a bomb in the Şırnak Palace of Justice. Who killed Karlov? FETO police assassinated. While all this is going on, shouldn’t we break our hair while we’re recruiting for the state?

‘I have the right to criticize the decision made by the AYM’

Whose side will he be on? I have the right to criticize a decision made by the AYM. There is also Can Dündar. Who left Can Dündar? He ran away. He just tweeted. We are the party that tries to defend freedom.
