LAST MINUTE Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced: Unfortunately, in most of our provinces … – News


Important statements from the Minister of Health, Koca

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca made a statement after the Scientific Committee meeting. Minister Koca said: “In the last 15 days, unfortunately, in most of our provinces, there has been an increase in cases. The results have not yet begun to reflect much in the hospitals.”

Minister Koca said the following.

Never underestimate work by saying, “The virus is not the old virus, it has mutated.” Even if it is a mutant, the coronavirus is a dangerous virus. Starting next week, vaccinations will begin for the 60-65 age group. .If your age is between 60-65, please follow your phone messages carefully. There are no years or months left for 19 to stop being a mass problem. Humanity has overcome the despair of 2020. 2021 is a year of hope and victory. We believe that he will accept the issue more willingly. “


Health Minister Koca, “This month 4.5 million more doses will be applied. This vaccine will be given to those who are in turn.” gave the information.

The full text of Minister Koca’s written statement is as follows:

Dear citizens, I greet you all with respect and love.

Once again I am in your presence due to the Covid-19 outbreak. As you know, we are in a period of Controlled Normalization. We left our first two weeks behind. Of course, we were not expecting great results in this short period of time. But his unwavering will will reveal its consequences soon, if not immediately. This is the nature of work. However, we must know that the epidemic can escalate in a short time while the results are obtained over time. For this reason, I want to make a warning at the beginning of my words:


Don’t give the virus a chance to take over social life! Do not lose what you have gained as a result of your struggle and deprivation day after day! My dear brothers, dear seniors, outbreaks are very big events, as we have experienced together. There are many who speak of major events or intervene. Their words do not require them to take responsibility. People in this group abound in our country, as in the whole world. I wish you didn’t respect them. There is no cost to them for the unfounded morale they cause in you. Those who act with scientific seriousness and state responsibility are safe. Trust your government. Let the decisions of our Scientific Committee, our Ministry, the authorities that manage the fight against the epidemic in your city, be your guide in this business.


If you remember, in the first days of the epidemic, “the problem is global, the fight is national.” I said. You can be sure that our country is in very good condition compared to countries that you no longer closely follow. We are implementing a strategy to reduce risks. The strategy is based on the fact that risk is not the same throughout the country. The severity of the measures also differs by province. My wish on the part of the residents of our provinces in High and Very High Risk Groups is the following: High risk provinces are provinces where the severity of the measures is high. Show this seriousness. Some decisions for the fight in your city are personally made by your city supervisor, manager, and experts. Your decisions are no different from our decisions and your demands from our demands. They are the ones who know their living conditions better than we do. Follow the regulations that they bring into your daily life.


Dear citizens, I said in the speech that I was dealing with one year of the epidemic, the victory of science is very close. But you know, there are also some losses when victory is very close. Let’s not give this opportunity. We do not have years, months ahead for Covid-19 to stop being a massive problem. Humanity has overcome the despair of 2020. The year 2021 is the year of hope and victory. Various restrictions have now been replaced by freedoms. Social mobility has increased. This means that the mobility of the virus has also increased. Ingenuity means not recognizing this opportunity to the virus by obeying the precautions. Every person who goes out into the street must act with this awareness. Otherwise, the virus, which has no more power than our negligence, condemns us to new difficulties. We are all responsible for the increases, we are all happy with the decreases. Therefore, the measure is not a personal decision. It is a humanitarian debt, a civic duty.


Dear citizens, Our Scientific Committee met again this week and evaluated the reflections of 15 days of our standardization process and the advances in vaccination: Unfortunately, in the last fifteen days an increase in cases has been observed in most of our provinces. The results have not yet begun to be reflected in hospitals. As our Dear President explained at the Cabinet meeting, the trend of increasing cases in our provinces, which we have classified by color, will be followed for a while. Although our performance in the first 15 days is not at the desired level, we believe that you will accept the issue with increasing willingness. The incidence map, which we publish once a week, is our report on our success in fighting the epidemic. You must follow these maps carefully.


As you know Turkey, potential problems will be experienced at the vaccine supply point in anticipation that early action has passed. I would like it to be known that we are taking new and clear steps in terms of overcoming global problems in access to vaccines and advances in our national vaccine studies. I would like to provide you with information about the vaccine that will make you even safer than it is now: The first 5800 dose of the Biontech vaccine, which is a different vaccine than the vaccine we currently use, arrived in our country. This month another 4.5 million doses will arrive to be administered. Meanwhile, vaccine testing will be completed. This vaccine will be given to those whose turn it is.


Another piece of news from me is this: As you know, the vaccinations of our seniors over 65 and of health workers have been completed. Starting next week, the vaccination of a subgroup will begin, that is, the age group 60 to 65 years. If your age is between 60 and 65, please follow the messages on your phone carefully.


As I finish my speech, there is one more point I want to make. As you know, some forms of the virus have appeared. We call this situation mutation. Mutant viruses are weaker but more easily transmitted. Thus, the cases are also becoming generalized. It is caution that will stop the spread of worry. Never take it lightly by saying that the virus is not the old virus, it is mutated. Although it is a mutant, the coronavirus is a dangerous virus.

I offer my respect and greetings to all of you. Let’s be cautious tomorrow from today.

