Last minute … from the United States Department of the Treasury decided to sanction Turkey


Because Turkey bought S-400 air defense systems from Russia last year, the United States has applied sanctions.

The United States Department of the Treasury, the Presidency of the Defense Industry (SSB), has decided to sanction the director and direction of the agency.

SSB President İsmail Demir, SSB Vice President Faruk Yiğit, SSB Naval Branch Manager – Mustafa Deniz Alper, Head of SSB Air Defense and Space Department Serhat Gençoğlu, were frozen and a ban on visa.

The Defense Industry Presidency has also been prohibited from borrowing money from US and international financial institutions.


US Secretary of State Pompeo said in a statement on the issue at the highest level that clearly Turkey will buy the S-400 from the US military who obtain the technology and the personnel said they transmit at risk.

Turkey’s S-400 problems immediately in warnings that should be resolved in a coordinated manner with the US Pompeo said that Turkey is a valuable ally for the US It is very important when he says that a regional security partner wants to continue cooperation in the US defense industry.

Pompeo, US exports of all products to the United States bachelor sanctions and the Turkish Defense Industry Directorate (SSB) said that includes the authority ban.

Speaking to Reuters, the US State Department official expressed regret over the sanctions and said he hopes Ankara will work with Washington to solve the problem.


Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said it was not legitimate due to the sanctions imposed by the United States to buy the missile system from Russia to Turkey applied. “This is, of course, another manifestation of an arrogant attitude towards international law,” Lavrov said.


US in Turkey, including the implementation of sanctions due to the purchase of Russian air defense systems S-400 to 740 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), by an overwhelming majority of support in the Assembly of Temsci last week had been accepted.

The bill, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, from Turkey to the United States within 30 days through hostile sanctions against the implementation of the law (CAATS A) located was requested to implement sanctions at least five of the 12.

Within the scope of CAATSA, there were sanctions such as discontinuing export and import banking support to individuals and institutions subject to sanctions, denial of loans from US and international financial institutions, denial of direct purchases from financial institutions with the Central Bank of the States. States and prohibition of transactions in foreign currency.

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