LAST MINUTE DEVELOPMENT – When will schools open, what classes will go to school? Schools are October 12 …


Minister of National Education Selçuk: Distance education is essential

The Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk, stated that the conditions of each country are unique, “From a continental European perspective, everyone open and even minors 10 to 12 years old open masks full time 5 days a week, in all the levels, some only for teachers, some of them secondary level. We see that it is necessary “. He said.

Selçuk made evaluations about the agenda on the program “I just spoke to Candaş Tolga”, which was broadcast live on Haber Global television.

Referring to the Armenian attacks on Azerbaijan, Selçuk said: “All our feelings, thoughts and souls are there. The just cause of the Azeri Turks is our just cause. Our support continues steadily in relation to all our citizens and across the country. We are observing what is happening at the moment. Of course, our wishes for the immediate end of this trend of occupation and for the fulfillment of the just cause continue with great force. ” I speak.

Selçuk recalled the decision to start face-to-face training on October 12, which was interrupted by the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19). Recalling that there is a global problem, Selçuk continued as follows:

“There are certain changes in the life of each individual. This is a very difficult process. It is not easy to live. In this sense, of course, everyone has something to say. Everyone expresses their own opinion as a citizen, as an individual living in the world … However, this topic is fundamentally medical and educational. as required by a serious scientific framework. According to this ‘for you, for me’ matter, it doesn’t matter. Evidence and what progress based on this data, what is happening in the world? Last Sunday we had a 2 hour meeting with Turkey’s educational advisers abroad. again ‘which country is doing what?’ From the perspective of Continental Europe, we see that everyone is open and even under 10-12 years old, there are no masks that open full time, 5 days a week, at all levels, some only for teachers, and some need a mask at the baccalaureate level. The country has its own special situation. We have to consider the global course of our country as two axes and make scientific decisions about how these two axes should be according to us ”.

Stating that distance education will continue when the epidemic ends, Selçuk stated that they will benefit from distance education.

Selcuk distance education draws attention to his private preferences, “This is a necessity. Regardless of the conditions in the world, our task, we take this measure. This is our task. When we are careful to take this measure we will also talk about what that Turkey is doing. It is a necessity at the moment. We are having problems not only with the schools, but also with many stakeholders on the street. ” used expressions.

When evaluating the new period that will begin in face-to-face education, Selçuk provided the following information:

“Since we open 2 days a week, the first 2 days come half the class, the next 2 days the other half of the class. Months ago I said we have scripts. Today the scenarios are becoming reality and we are implementing them. We are implementing one of the plans in this issue of 2-2 days. In this way, we seek to structure your going to school in a more controlled way as a more understandable and controllable process for school administrators, teachers and parents. some habits. Children get used to the environment, they become more aware and sensitive about what they should do. learn things. So being controlled this process has another purpose. Or we too Italy, Spain, England, France, and Germany ‘we open everything ‘what we have but the conditions in Turkey a little different. We do it according to the conditions for him. “

Minister Selçuk also made evaluations on topics such as the request of parents for the opening of schools and the situation of teachers during breaks.

Selçuk answered the question about the current situation of 1st grade primary school students in the 2019-2020 academic year:

“In fact, in early March, on the 13th, the children finished the basic stages of reading. Even April can be a reading party. The problem here is that communication and emotional ties are cut off rather than academic. The whole country and families are suddenly uncomfortable, that’s the real problem. Otherwise we did a summer school for children, this is for 2. “Fun games, puppets, animations, videos on literacy”. We said yes. We use a game-based approach to make sure the child repeats what they learned. “

Selçuk explained that there are Kovid-19 Monitoring Boards in each school and they follow each stage in case of a positive case in the teacher or student.

Stating that they act in line with the recommendations of the health institution and the corresponding specialist, Selçuk said: “Let’s say that the whole school should be quarantined, we will. What matters is health. Taking into account these health conditions, we continue our education. ” used expressions.

Noting that they have been working with the Chamber of Service Servers for months on the disinfection of school buses, Selçuk continued as follows:

“Since half of the children come to school, the services are also in half. Therefore, the risk is also cut in half. This is a prerequisite. Where each child enters the service, how you sign up, you are registered with us. School buses are a very hazardous environment when not disinfected. There is a manual on this subject. In this manual, what day, how, for how long, how long does it take to air out after it’s done? Because it’s not right for students or teachers to get there right away if sanitizer is used.

Minister Selçuk pointed out that the school administration and all teachers have a step-by-step document in which it should be done in the teachers room, the school wet floor, the garden, the corridor and the toilet, and that Every teacher and manager is responsible for this and prepared an application for it.
“The 8th and 12th grade classes will have face-to-face courses with exam content”
“What lessons will be taught in classroom education?” Selçuk said the following:

“Life sciences, Turkish and mathematics lessons are taught in primary schools. From the second grade, there is also an hour of foreign language. From the fourth grade, there is an hour of religious knowledge. When we look at this, the main thing , that is, the lessons that children are mainly troubled in the spine. We do not teach courses that require close contact with music and sports, but these classes are standard for both EBA and school. In 8th grade degree, there are courses in LGS content, which are science, math, Turkish, social studies and English. In classes, there are preparation courses for YKS. They can be math, literature, physics, chemistry, other social courses depending on what chosen by the person. Varies by field of interest.

Minister of National Education, Ziya Selcuk, “Will there be additional face-to-face training for students preparing for the exam?” To the question, “This planning has been coming and going since June. There are courses that we call Support Training Course. These courses are held on weekends.” gave the answer.

Stating that they do not consider the student who will take the exam just because he is an “exam student”, the psychosocial state and expectations of the student who will take the exam are different and their anxiety is high, Selçuk said that they also see this issue in terms of mental health of students.

Recalling that 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades do not attend school, Selçuk stated that students can come to school on weekends and have a very flexible approach towards school administrators.

“If we transform our examination form, there is a problem in terms of the evaluation scale” Minister Selçuk made the following assessment about the examination method in face-to-face education:

“The exams will be face-to-face. It is a must to watch the lessons on EBA TV as the exams will be face-to-face. If they do not see it, the content of the exams will be asked from there it can be a problem for the student. Why do we do it in person? Because if we don’t do the exam, we don’t do it in person or if we transform our exam form. In terms of scale evaluation, there is a long-term problem that covers at least 4-5 years. The problem is that as students’ learning losses increase, the basic level of taking next year’s learning content disappears step by step. Therefore, we must minimize these learning losses. “

Noting that there are 1 million 68 thousand students in the Support Training Courses, Selçuk said: “We are doing these courses so that we can complete the deficiencies. Our students are able to solve all kinds of deficiencies such as asking, solving questions, giving lectures thank you to our teachers in small classes of 8-10 people on the weekends. “he said.

“All our educational content has a mobile version”

“Is the cell phone the right tool for education?” Selçuk said: “The vehicle is somewhat neutral. It depends on how you use it. It is not new that children prefer to communicate over the phone rather than a desktop computer. We see this in this process. Although it is a computer, children find it easier to enter from a cell phone, they correspond incredibly fast and that’s why we have a mobile version of our entire set of questions and educational content. In this sense, we also want them to benefit from computers in our schools. ” used expressions.

Minister Selçuk said that they established 12,111 EBA Support Centers, each center has 8-10 computers, students can go to the center closest to their home and work.

National Education Minister Selçuk, recalling the technical problem at the ABE, said: “We understand that there may be an opportunity even in the most pessimistic situation. The issue is ‘There is a crisis, we are ruined.'” How do we convert this once? “It is contrary to my problem-solving approach to see it as completely negative. That topic is very interesting. The relevant operator took the precaution of thinking that there was a cyberattack so that so many students suddenly enter the EBA. Furthermore, there is a cyberattack from two different places abroad -5 hours of slowdown, children usually enter EBA in less than 2 seconds, but that day it went up to 30 seconds, this is the topic of the entry.

Pandemic period, whether it is a single country to live lessons for all students, in Canada as in the United States this infrastructure in England Turkey have also pointed out that Selcuk, China, France and the established television for Turkish distance education, as EB explained that the national platform is not available in many countries.

Minister Selçuk stated that the tablets will be distributed to the students in order of priority, criteria such as the number of siblings, state aid will be considered and planning will be done accordingly.

Stating that 1.5 million students do not have computers at home or that the computer is not enough for all their siblings, Selçuk said: “How do we know this? Which child has entered EBA, how many seconds have passed, what They have looked at courses and we are following them all? That is why we can go to the EBA Support Centers and work there. By increasing the number of these to 20 thousand, we make sure that all children do not have access problems “. He spoke in the form.

Selçuk noted that there are approximately 240 mobile EBA vehicles to reach children in villages and towns.
