Last minute. Description of Minister Varank’s local diagnostic kit.


Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank spoke about the “Turkey Covidien-19 Platform” organized by the “Virtual Conference on Turkey’s Diagnostic Power”.

Here are Minister Varank’s outstanding statements:

Medical witness kits are one of the most important technologies. In addition to TÜBİTAK support, we ask SMEs for product-oriented projects. We received 446 requests in one week. After the evaluation process, we decided to support 35 projects.

-We support 10 projects in the field of diagnosis. Selim Hanay Hodja is developing an innovative kit for the payment of detection of kovid-19 at an early stage. It is determined to obtain results in 30 minutes before the symptoms of the disease appear. Contains a nano mechanical system.

In June, we will have important good news in the field of synthetic medicine with national resources.


– The interaction between technology producing companies and their clients will increase and service purchases will be supported. We will start receiving requests for both calls tomorrow

-The application of the Ministry of Health fits into the home of life was created in this application under the coordination of our ministry. We have studied the practices of other countries in detail and cooperated with Singapore, benefiting from their experience. One of our companies was a pioneer in this process. The application has been tested. In the app, you can create a safe area data matrix in any area. Then you can hang the output of this data array.

-People read the data matrix at the input and output of that area. Those who are in the same area in the same period of time are registered on the servers. Thanks to this software, if there are cases anywhere we go, you are included in the test follow-up process.
