Last minute … criminal complaint about social experiments with children.


Social experiments with children in Diyarbakır were shared on social media, sparking controversy. The president of the Children’s Rights Center of the Diyarbakır Bar Association, lawyer Mehmet Emin Çoban, commented that the secret recording of children’s images and sharing them on social networks without the permission of both children and their parents was considered child abuse. Defending that such initiatives violate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution and the law for the protection of children, lawyer Mehmet Emin Çoban stated that the privacy of private life is not taken into account because the images are They share against the declaration or consent of the person. Çoban noted that sharing an image in which the child’s face and identity can be clearly identified on social media is revealed as an area open to child abuse.


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Referring to images taken by social media phenomena and then shared on social media in Diyarbakır, Çoban said: “When we look at the point of violation of children’s rights, it is especially the case that images of children Children are secretly recorded and shared on social media without the permission of the children and their parents. On the other hand, there is a violation of the privacy of the child’s private life. In the previous months, a social media phenomenon came to Diyarbakır and asked a child to eat and was given a meal, stating that he had no money and was coming from outside in Dağkapi Square. A few days ago, two people who were in a car again in a car had no money for a child who sold water, I want water, and then the child’s statement that you have no money, get from me. The gift of a packaged tablet reveals the abuse of a child on the same subject. First of all, according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, anyone under the age of 18 is a child and is considered a child. In our constitution, we also have items like privacy, respect for life, and respect for family life. On the other hand, we have a child protection law. At this point, sharing images against the person’s declaration or consent reveals the privacy of private life, “he said.


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Affirming that in an environment where images of a child break click-through records and spread in a way that cannot be avoided on social media, an image in which the child’s face and identity can be clearly shared on media social, Çoban said:

“Because the number of this is increasing day by day, we also take legal action. The complaints we received were in that regard. A few days ago, the child who sold water in the vehicle was given a tablet to prevent violations of the respect, and now We file a criminal complaint with the Diyarbakır General Prosecutor’s Office in order to prevent abuse of privacy, violation of privacy of privacy and opening up areas where the child could be abused. on this issue. It was also stated in our criminal complaint that it was ignored. On the other hand, we demand that the videos called social experiments be removed from the Internet environment. “


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Head of the Department of Sociology at Dicle University Prof. Dr. Rüstem Erkan stated that this situation is a commercial activity, that it is a crime in terms of law and that it is a crime and objectionable in terms of scientific ethics, “Diyarbakır has been chosen as the field of social experiments in recent years. As you can see, this is actually a commercial activity. In other words, it is a commercial activity to increase the number of viewers on social media. As a result, all the The world is satisfied with this, as a seemingly positive image emerges with the children and Diyarbakır. This underlies this, in fact, Diyarbakır draws attention because children have the image of acquiring good behaviors and worse behaviors in the future. But a Once you see this issue, there is a certain rule of every experiment, in science, in social sciences. The experiment is important, but it has a scientific ethical process. And it is that children cannot be used in such experiments without their parents’ permission. This is as much a crime in terms of law as it is a crime and an objection in terms of scientific ethics. Second, such interviews, that is, conducting this type of interview with children, with an open face to others, is actually child abuse. You can become vulnerable to child abuse, both to gain traction for children and not knowing where the process is going in the future. Apart from those who do this, other malicious people, children who see this can be exposed to various abuses by perceiving everything that is done socially. In other words, this can lead to a process that can range from child abduction to sexual abuse. They also do it through children who do child labor in the street, and this legitimizes child labor to some extent, ”he said.


Associate Professor in the Department of Child Psychiatry at Dicle University. Dr. Tuğba Yüksel stated that it was emotional abuse. By emphasizing that the good behaviors that children should do will be appreciated and praised, it is not appropriate to create a feeling that they will receive a great gift with a great gift, Yüksel said:

“There have been a lot of social experiments on this topic lately. But it would be much better to research and do these social experiments. Because the psychology of children is affected by this, it is necessary to pay attention to it. Because it can lead to emotional abuse in a child when it is a great gift. Also, it is not appropriate for children to have the feeling that the good behaviors that children should do will be appreciated and praised, as if we received a great gift with a great gift. Therefore, if we see pleasant behavior, it may be street children, it may be Syrian children, they will be much happier to be stroked on the head, to be called a good man, to have a nice smile. other children should not expect this. Nothing, he’s getting emotional abuse. “
