Last minute! Confessed of murder! “It got caught in it while spinning the knife!” News


Gamze Esgicioğlu, 23, who graduated last year from the Information Security Technology Department of the Uluborlu Vocational School of the Isparta University of Applied Sciences (MYO) and works in a call center in the city, at 06:00 the day before in the apartment on the 3rd floor of the 4-story apartment in Anadolu Mahallesi, he was stabbed in the chest. Police and medical teams who came home after the warning found the lifeless body of Esgicioğlu.


According to DHA news, police teams detained Gamze Esgicioğlu’s lover, Hasan Böl, and the male suspects, MK, HY, and İ.OB, who were at home during the incident. The suspects were sent yesterday to the Isparta Palace of Justice after their procedures. While 3 of the suspects were released, Hasan Chapter, who was brought before the Criminal Justice of the Peace, was arrested.

“WE TALK ABOUT Jealousy”

In Hasan Part’s statement, it was claimed that after the argument between them out of jealousy, Gamze Esgicioğlu was walking towards him with the knife that he took in his hand and that he got caught in Gamze Esgicioğlu while turning the knife back during the fight.

Mother Ümmühan Esgicioğlu suffered a nervous breakdown at the funeral.


Gamze Esgicioğlu’s body was handed over to his family from Denizli’s Kale district to be buried last night after the autopsy. Gamze Esgicioğlu’s body was reported to have traces of knives and blows at autopsy. The young woman was buried yesterday in her hometown.
