Last minute … Arrest warrant against Sezgin Baran Korkmaz


The operations were carried out in four Istanbul-based provinces, targeting 19 people, including the chairman of the SBK Holding board of directors, Sezgin Baran Korkmaz. Although 10 people were arrested in the operation, it was alleged that 132 million dollars of money were laundered through companies established within the holding company. Eight of the suspects were known to be abroad.


The United States Attorney’s Office in Utah, USA, the businessmen who tried Korkmaz (SBK) of Baran Sezgin’s assets in Turkey had demanded the withdrawal of the United States. “Kingston Brothers US Treasury incentives around $ 500 million earned from cheating have seen at least $ 132 million to Turkey,” he confessed to two brothers in court during weeks of crime testimony and had been convicted.


Between the years 2014-2018 in control sbk’n with drug money sent to Turkey, where many different investments were resumed, mainly in construction and technology companies, they emerged again with the information provided in the trial of his brother. Kingston Brotherhood of transaction documents, including money sent to Turkey, Turkey had shared contact information on other close contacts with Americans also sbk’y SBK and prosecutors.

Lev Dermen, who was charged at the same hearings and introduced Sezgin Baran Korkmaz and Kingston Brothers and collaborated; he had been convicted and convicted. His real name was Levon heap of sbk’n who had alleged that Termendzy financed in Turkey.

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