KPSS License Basic Questions Brochure: When is the ÖSYM 2020 KPSS License Exam Questions and Answers Key?


Thousands of college graduate candidates who wanted to find a job on the state staff took the KPSS licensing exam that was conducted in 2 sessions last weekend. Candidates participating in the exam want to calculate points by learning the correct answers to the exam questions. After the public personnel selection exams, the basic questions booklet was generally available to students within 2 days. Although 5 days have passed after the exam, the KPSS License Questions and Answers Key has not yet been announced. ÖSYM President Halis Aygün shared the date the KPSS license response key will be posted on his social media account. When will the KPSS licensing questions and answers be posted?


After the test on September 6, the eyes turned to ÖSYM, which will publish question booklets. Although 4 days have passed since the exam, ÖSYM has not made the questions and answers accessible to students. The questions and answers of the exam taken in previous years were released 2 days after the exam. The questions and answer keys for the KPSS licensing exam will be announced after the KPSS field knowledge exams taking place this weekend (September 12-13).

Halis Aygün, President of ÖSYM, made a statement on the matter. In the announcement he made on his social media account, Aygün indicated that the key questions and answers for the KPSS Bachelor of General Ability in General Culture and Education Sciences, which were applied last week, will be published on Monday 14 of September. Here is the statement made;

Dear KPSS Candidates:

We will post the questions and answer key from the KPSS General Ability Undergraduate Education Science and General Culture sessions that we implemented last weekend, along with the KPSS field knowledge sessions that will take place next week. September 12-13, Monday, September 14.


2020 KPSS General Culture-General Ability and Educational Sciences exam results according to 2020 exam schedule announced by ÖSYM October 22, 2020 will be announced on.

“Candidates will be able to find out their exam results with their TR ID numbers and passwords on the ÖSYM website ​​and mobile apps. The exam results document will not be printed and the candidates
it will not be shipped to your addresses.

“The number of correct and incorrect answers given by the test candidates in the results information and
KPSS scores will be included. The information of the results announced on the website is communicated to the candidates “


To take the exam in the room / row to which they are assigned,
Present the exam entrance document to the exam staff before the exam period begins,
He does not try to help with cheating or cheating,
By marking your answers in the appropriate field on the answer sheet during the examination period,
Write and code correctly the TR identification number and the question booklet number on the answer sheet,
The information to be written and marked on the question booklet and the answer sheet is correct and complete,
To begin reading the exam questions after the exam answer period has started,
Do not read the questions after the examination period and do not continue marking them on the answer sheet.
At the end of the exam, send the question booklet (complete with pages) and the answer sheet to the examiners.
Do not do,
Comply with the rules of the exam and the warnings of the examiners in the room.
and you must comply with other exam rules. Examinations for candidates who do not comply with these rules will be canceled.
