KPSS General Culture – General Talent Session Started


The Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS) session ‘General Culture-General Ability’ organized by the Center for Evaluation, Selection and Placement (OSYM) has ended.

In the morning test session held at 81 provincial centers and 95 test centers, including TRNC Nicosia, candidates were asked 120 questions and given 130 minutes.

The examination took measures against the coronavirus epidemic.


The afternoon session of the exam will begin at 2:45 p.m. for the KPSS Bachelor of Science in Education. Candidates will have 100 minutes and 80 questions will be asked.

Candidates will not be admitted to the exam buildings after 2.30pm.


ÖSYM President Prof. Dr. According to information provided by Halis Aygün, measures were taken against the coronavirus epidemic in the examination.

Consequently, the buildings were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to examination. As part of the coronavirus measures, officials distributed masks and disinfectants to candidates at the entrance of the exam building, and candidates who wanted to bring their disinfectants.

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Latex gloves, masks, and disinfectants were distributed to the examiners. The candidates and officials who wanted took the exam with their masks and visors. The Kovid-19 status of the examiners was monitored using HES codes.

Candidates with a Kovid-19 related situation were determined from their HES codes and divided into groups according to their Kovid-19 status in accordance with the recommendation of the Scientific Committee and tested in separate rooms prepared in test centers. exam. Candidates in this situation were informed before the exam by SMS.

To avoid clutter in the school gardens and maintain social distance, no one except candidates and examiners was allowed to enter the school gardens.
