KPSS Education Science session ended


The Center for Education, Seme and Placement (SYM) has completed the Undergraduate Education Sciences session of the Seme Public Personnel Exam (KPSS).

The KPSS undergraduate education exam, which was conducted in 81 provinces and 95 exam centers, including TRNC Nicosia, started at 2:45 p.m. and candidates spent 100 minutes for 80 questions.

With the completion of the KPSS Education Science exam that was conducted after the KPSS General Culture General Ability Test in the morning, all KPSS sessions ended today.

Field knowledge exams will be held next week

KPSS 2020 Licensee Information 1st Session (Public Administration, International Relations, Procurement Economics and Industrial Relations) September 12 at 10.15; The second session of 2020-KPSS field knowledge exams (law, economics, finance) on the same day at 2:45 pm; KPSS 2020 Licensee Information Exams (Shipping, Accounting, Statistics) will be organized on September 13 at 10.15.

Teaching Field Knowledge Test (ABT) on September 20 at 10.15; Alan Snav, who is the ABT Mam-Hatip High School Vocational Courses Teacher, will be held at 2:45 PM.

Exam results will be cleared on October 22, according to the SYM calendar.

SYM Minister Prof. Dr. Halis Aygn announced that measures against a new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19) were taken during the examinations.

We assessed questions from KPSS General Culture-General Ability and Educational Science.
