Koca’s response to İmamoğlu on the death figures


Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu said the number of daily deaths caused by infectious diseases in Istanbul was higher than announced.

Regarding the deaths caused by “infectious diseases” in Istanbul, İmamoğlu used the expressions: “What should I do now? Will I be thirsty or will I swallow? I couldn’t sleep at night. So we can’t get up.”

Making a statement after the Scientific Committee meeting, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca responded to İmamoğlu.

Husband, ” All patients with signs of infection were processed here. In other words, is there a patient who has a disease like lung cancer, prostate, breast cancer, or lymphoma or leukemia that cannot be lost to infection? ”


Husband “,” We published a circular at that time. We wrote an article stating that burials should be done in the same way as other normal contagious diseases like HIV and meningitis. At that time, we had a death certificate as infectious diseases. The type of death is written in the upper left part of the document, below is the cause of death. Is the path of death natural or forensic? The first mark of the doctor is a part. The cause of death is the part occupied by a second doctor. There is also an infectious disease section. This section was not very crowded before March. However, since we said that it should be buried as infectious diseases after circulating, this house started to fill up every day. The 192 diseases that we know of were not processed simply by deducing them here. All patients with signs of infection were processed here. In other words, is there a patient who has a disease like lung cancer, prostate, breast cancer, or lymphoma or leukemia that cannot be lost to infection? Is there a patient with meningitis without signs of infection, is there a patient with lung cancer when he is lost? The place where all patients with signs of infection are processed are infectious diseases. The second part is the cause of death. Covid is written as covid, meningitis is meningitis. As a ministry we don’t, this is the part that doctors fill out. Do all patients with signs of infection have covitis? ” Expressions used.
