Kaftancıoğlu’s statement from ‘Atatürk’ on reactions


CHP Istanbul Provincial President Canan Kaftancıoğlu made a statement on the reactions to his words: “I would say ‘Atatürk’, not Gazi Mustafa Kemal.”

CHP Istanbul Provincial President Canan Kaftancıoğlu said: “I call him ‘Atatürk, not Gazi Mustafa Kemal.” Some CHP members reacted to Kaftancıoğlu’s words.

Kaftancıoğlu made a quick statement on his Twitter account after the reactions.

Kaftancioglu “In such period and agenda, those who were forced to make this statement; Let me give it to the mind, consciousness and memory of the citizen saying: ‘If Atatürk were alive, I would chase you and the keyboard Atatürkistas with a stick’ (his right in such references :))) …“The explanation of the rating is as follows:

“There are deepening problems in our country such as poverty, injustice and unemployment today. We are struggling with a deep crisis that drags our country through the one-man regime that suspended democracy and shelved the constitution. The real day and night work agenda focuses on the problems of our people and our organization, which, from Istanbul to Turkey, continue to struggle with the current one-way password. Because we have essential responsibilities and objectives such as crowning our Republic with democracy.

Although I was uncomfortable having to speak about an issue that was not on the agenda at such difficult times on behalf of our country and our people, I felt the need to make this statement, just to respect the truth, not the author.

On the night of September 9, which coincides with the 97th anniversary of our party, I attended the Taksim Meetings, one of the most precious democracy meetings in our country, as a speaker. I think we have held a productive meeting on our real agenda under the title “The place of the organization in Turkish politics and electoral security”. In the question and answer section, which is said to be closed, we brainstorm on many topics with lovely names.

The text that Serpil Yılmaz wrote in the Sözcü Newspaper in response to a question that was asked me in a part of the meeting contains a great injustice both for my party, our organization and for very valuable names who attended the meeting with their opinions, suggestions and questions.

Moderation by Uluç Gürkan at the meeting, Att. Osman Bey asked me if I used the expression Gazi Mustafa Kemal twice during my speech and wondered if this was a special reason. In my answer I said that it does not seem correct to categorize the concepts of people and make an element of separation, and that I use it as a requirement of my habit and that I feel close.

On the other hand, in a text prepared by Serpil Yılmaz in today’s Sözcü Newspaper, I saw that a discrediting operation was carried out against me. Yes, what I said was written, but there was an article that was taken to a different point, more precisely, to the point where it was wanted to withdraw with the comments made. As is done in the Fazıl Say interview by those who see the continuation of the sentence but do not want to show it, taking half the sentence to the headline and the sound recordings …

Considering that distorting what I have said and what I have not said would not be sufficient on its own, the judgment of the person whose opinion was consulted as an “expert” added to the “news” that he should not even be a member of the CHP. This “news” actually contains lessons on “how not to do journalism.” If Serpil Yılmaz could listen to the meeting more carefully and listen to our President Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, whose speech I refer to several times at the meeting, how the liberation struggle was achieved and how the development revolution was achieved in the early years of the Republic, I wish I had improved my personal and my party vision of Atatürk and the Republic. he could see.

With the publication of the article in question, those who today attacked me with insults, curses and threats on social networks have clearly revealed what the real problem is and the intention of writing this news.

As a Republican People’s Party, I leave the opinion on this article, which was written to become a goal, without dedicating a single line to the dozens of ongoing and planned political works that we have done in Istanbul, to our citizens, to our organization. I leave the aforementioned article at the discretion of very valuable participants who contributed to the future of our country with their opinions, suggestions and questions.

My attempt to distinguish myself from Kenan Evren’s so-called Kemalism may be misunderstood, but our people, especially the CHP members, understand me and my party very well.

Against the juntaists who imprison Atatürk in static and frozen interpretations and against the confusion of the current world of ideas; I will continue to embrace the dynamic Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who always looks forward and puts the mind, science and the revolutionary forward.

Someone who has no production, who thinks 83 million is a legacy that will exploit common values ​​for centuries, and who actually prefers to “use” rather than understand Atatürk, should be upset about this.

Due to my respect for the truth, I consider it my duty to remember that the audio recordings of the meeting are with the organizers. I would like to remind that the generations that are free of intellect and wisdom do not need any honor or authority other than to run in a marathon that will crown the republic of democracy ”.
