Jet response from Ümit Özdağ to Meral Akşener


İYİ party chairman Meral Akşener answered Fatih Altaylı’s questions about the Teke Tek program agenda in Habertürk. Akşener spoke about the expulsion of Ümit Özdağ from the party. Akşener said: “He came to see me about Buğra Kavuncu and we had a congress. He said that Buğra was a member of FETO. I told him that I would do whatever it took to bring him documents and information on the subject. Then no documents or information arrived. Where does this information come from? He said some of the state institutions. ” While Akşener’s speech was in progress, Ümit Özdağ replied to Akşener from his social media account.

Mr. Akşener, you have made 4 false statements so far.Özdağ said:

1- I did not give you the name of any institution regarding my knowledge of Buğra Kavuncu. You are the one who says you are contacting the institutions you mentioned.

2-You offered me the “Vice President of Education,” I declined your offer to go to court. I said that I would prefer the group chair if I saw fit.

3-He did not ask me for an appointment, you said that I only spoke with the stipulated representatives. He met with Mr. İsmail Koncuk by inviting him even though he was not on the list.

4-I did not say that the AKP and the IYI Party are working on a constitution. I told him that Uğur Poyraz spoke in Ankara that we are making a constitution together in different congregations and I asked him if it is true. If you wish, I will send you the number of the respected politician who witnessed this speech. “
